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May 7, 2023

Atty. Tom Renz: “The COVID-19 Murder for Money Scheme in the Hospitals… Have Been Carried Out by Fake Doctors and Nurses”

On Saturday, anti-corruption attorney Thomas Renz in Ohio made headlines by suggesting that fake doctors and nurses may have been behind the COVID-19 murder-for-money scheme in hospitals. “DEVELOPING: This is the most important developing story in the country. The COVID-19 murder for money scheme in the hospitals appears, in many …

May 7, 2023

“Population Decline Will Change the World for the Better,” Scientific American Says

They forgot to ask you and me Originally Published on Igor’s Newsletter An article from the “climate change” section of Scientific American had such a catchy title that I could not pass it up. … the United Nations predicts dozens of countries will have shrinking populations by 2050. This is good news. Considering no other large animal’s population …

May 7, 2023

Yoga Instructor Named Katchie Ananda Responds to Mr. Timothy Villareal Re: “Transgender Ideology”

Editor’s Note: A feature last month, “‘Transgender Ideology’: Does It Erase Women?”, in which DailyClout contributor Ora Nadrich interviewed former birth worker Ms. Isabella Martin, elicited a storm of controversy. DailyClout reader Mr. Timothy Villareal wrote to us, taking issue with the crux of Ms. Martin’s argument; that “transgender ideology” erased …

May 5, 2023

Report 70: Histopathology Series Part 4c – Autoimmunity: A Principal Pathological Mechanism of COVD-19 Gene Therapy Harm (CoVax Diseases) and a Central Flaw in the LNP/mRNA Platform

This report is Part 4c in a series. It follows Part 1, “Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus;” Part 2, “Report 58: Part 2 – “Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus;” and Part 3, …

May 5, 2023

Tricked by COVID Doctors? How You Can Reverse the Damage Before it’s Too Late

Vaccine Lies and Bribes:  Dr. McCullough Uncovers the Smoking Gun    Dr. Peter McCullough, outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and jabs, unearthed a damning document that exposes the latest loss of integrity in the healthcare system through vaccine bribery. Published by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicaid, the “COVID-19 Vaccine …

Iziah Explains

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