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June 12, 2023

Top Doctor Reveals Cancer-Cutting Regimen That Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About

“Our healthcare expenditure would go down, but the pharmaceutical profits would go down, too. And obviously, that’s the issue.” “We need a reawakening because this current medical system is broken,” declared accomplished physician and author of 500 peer-reviewed journal articles Dr. Paul Marik in a sit-down interview with The …

June 9, 2023

To the Editor: Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton on the WHO Attempt to Overtake All Nations

Dear DailyClout,   Good news from Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton on the WHO attempts to overtake all nations. See below.   Dear Maureen: Thank you for contacting me about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty. It’s good to hear from you, as always.  I share your concerns regarding the …

June 9, 2023

COS Action President Mark Meckler Responds to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Call for Article 5 Convention to Add Gun Control Amendment to Constitution

(Austin, TX—June 9, 2023) Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action (COSA)—an organization of more than 5 million active grassroots volunteers representing every state legislative district in the nation, focusing on restoring a culture of self-governance in America—issued the following statement in reply to CA Gov. Gavin Newsom’s comments …

June 9, 2023

Beef Company CEO: Non-Compliance Is the Only Way to Stop Attacks on Real Meat

This article was provided by our sponsors at Whole Cows. Anyone who is paying attention knows our food supply is being attacked on multiple fronts. Meat in particular has been targeted as the powers-that-be have decided they want us to stop eating chicken or beef, replacing them with lab-grown fake meat or …

June 9, 2023

AI and the Decision to Stay Human

Originally published on the author’s Substack. Neither fearing nor embracing artificial intelligence.   Everybody’s talkin’ ‘bout AI. AI, AI, AI. Ay yai yai! As mentioned in previous articles, Pluto’s entry into the sign of Aquarius for the next twenty years (!) highlights all permutations of Consciousness related to technology, inner and …

Iziah Explains

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