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September 15, 2023

Walking Among Sequoias

  Although I have never had the opportunity to visit the forests where sequoias grow, it would no doubt be spectacular. I do feel, recently, that I have come very close to such an experience through being a member of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project. My fellow volunteers on …

September 14, 2023

The Struggle For Democracy

Divisive Politics Engenders Disaster Whether we are weary of divisive politics or enthusiastically participate in elections, those who seek and attain power ultimately affect our lives. The battle for the U.S. presidency has lost all traces of sanity and democracy. The extreme opinions regarding which potential leader supports freedom and …

September 14, 2023

Dr. Naomi Wolf Announces NEW BOOK “Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age”

Dear Friends, The corporate, mainstream media is trying to convince millions of Americans—through their endless promotion of recent smears and hit pieces —that our opinions about the global assault on liberty, and the compelling evidence we present about crimes of tyranny, are no more than a “conspiracy rabbit hole.” I …

September 13, 2023

Liberty Lifestyle: A Gen Z Guide to Backcountry Camping

Welcome to Liberty Lifestyle! This week my husband and I decided to go camping at Red River Gorge in Stanton, KY. Rock climbers and hikers come to the Gorge from all over the world for its natural rock formations, challenging trails, and breathtaking views. I recorded our experiences and made …

September 13, 2023

A Victory for Free Speech

Ready for some good news? We are too. Fortunately there is some: the injunction against agency intimidation is back. As a result, some of the rights we lost have been clawed back. Some. For now. But it’s good news, and we’ll take it. Brownstone Institute is now coming out of …

Iziah Explains

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