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November 13, 2023

Cities: How to Build for Love and Resistance; How to “Be Peace”

I’m writing on the morning of my 61st birthday — a phrase that does not trip off the tongue, or emerge easily on the keyboard! I am the only one awake yet — Brian is still asleep, and Loki, his fluffy fur having grown back after his late-summer grooming, is …

November 13, 2023

Courage to Face COVID-19 Reinstated After Amazon Banned it for “Offensive Content”

Is this David vs. Goliath or just a fluke? After the sudden removal and subsequent reinstatement of The Courage to Face Covid-19, the Amazon content review process has us concerned about Big Tech’s boot on the neck of free speech. Eighteen months after releasing the book, having earned a 4.9/5 Amazon …

November 10, 2023

How Political Establishments Sponsor Protests They Want, Suppress the Ones They Don’t, and Tread Carefully When Clients Go Off-Message

A brief consideration of how the German state has treated climate, pandemic and pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Protestors raise the Palestinian flag atop the Neptune Fountain in Berlin on Saturday. Western liberal democracies cultivate a range of fictions about their nature and function. In the myths they tell about themselves, the people …

November 10, 2023

Southern US Border Ecosystems Destroyed by Mass Migration

The open southern border of the United States, and the millions of individuals flowing across that landscape, has created an environmental disaster 2,000 miles long, and one that will cost billions of dollars to remedy.  While mass migration has battered the southern border’s ecosystems for decades, the recent surge of over ten million …

November 10, 2023

Part 1: Peace in the Middle East

The Israeli/Palestinian conflict in Gaza threatens to fracture the already delicate, bi-partisan medical freedom community, not only in America but globally. Shannon Joy sits down with two freedom fighters from opposing ‘sides’ to see if common ground can be achieved. Are we being played by larger global & financial interests? …

Iziah Explains

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