You have voted AB-1362: Requires DOT and OIT to develop materials concerning capabilities of airports in NJ and establishes "Public Use Airports Task Force.".
AB-627: Authorizes NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2018; allocates funds from Local Aid Infrastructure Fund for operating and administrative expenses for transportation infrastructure purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. DiAnne Gove
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Environment And Solid Waste Committee on 01/14/2020
You have voted AB-627: Authorizes NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2018; allocates funds from Local Aid Infrastructure Fund for operating and administrative expenses for transportation infrastructure purposes..
You have voted AB-360: Makes supplemental appropriation of $2.125 million to Howell Township in Monmouth County for drinking water infrastructure project..