AB-404: Establishes "Subcommittee on Affordable Housing Needs" within "Joint Committee on Housing Affordability"; requires subcommittee to make determinations concerning affordable housing needs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing Committee on 01/14/2020
You have voted AB-404: Establishes "Subcommittee on Affordable Housing Needs" within "Joint Committee on Housing Affordability"; requires subcommittee to make determinations concerning affordable housing needs..
You have voted AB-385: Requires AG to defend challenges to certain municipal ordinances that establish residency requirements for convicted sex offenders..
AB-1631: Requires school districts take certain actions to increase participation in free or reduced priced meal programs; prohibits shaming students with school meal bills in arrears; prohibits certain district actions in collecting unpaid school meal fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joann Downey
Combined With A1630 (acs) on 02/13/2020
You have voted AB-1631: Requires school districts take certain actions to increase participation in free or reduced priced meal programs; prohibits shaming students with school meal bills in arrears; prohibits certain district actions in collecting unpaid school meal fees..
AB-1872: Establishes additional factors for municipal adjustment used in calculating fair share affordable housing obligations; provides population-based cap for these obligations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory McGuckin
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing Committee on 01/14/2020
You have voted AB-1872: Establishes additional factors for municipal adjustment used in calculating fair share affordable housing obligations; provides population-based cap for these obligations..