Rep. Edward Thomson


District HD-030
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 103

Sponsored Legislation

State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Opposes designation of Hudson Canyon as national marine sanctuary. [AR-23]
Opposes designation of Hudson Canyon as national marine sanctuary.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Agriculture Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Establishes "Subcommittee on Affordable Housing Needs" within "Joint Committee on Housing Affordability"; requires subcommittee to make determinations concerning affordable housing needs. [AB-404]
Establishes "Subcommittee on Affordable Housing Needs" within "Joint Committee on Housing Affordability"; requires subcommittee to make determinations concerning affordable housing needs.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Creates offense of making false child abuse report; permits assessment of penalty. [AB-568]
Creates offense of making false child abuse report; permits assessment of penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires AG to defend challenges to certain municipal ordinances that establish residency requirements for convicted sex offenders. [AB-385]
Requires AG to defend challenges to certain municipal ordinances that establish residency requirements for convicted sex offenders.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires testing for infectious disease for certain persons who have been administered opioid antidote by first responder. [AB-1551]
Requires testing for infectious disease for certain persons who have been administered opioid antidote by first responder.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Benson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Health Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Appropriates $10 million to the DEP for Black Creek and Wreck Pond dredging. [AB-345]
Appropriates $10 million to the DEP for Black Creek and Wreck Pond dredging.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Kean Introduced, Referred To Assembly Environment And Solid Waste Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Provides mandatory minimum term of imprisonment for certain crimes of domestic violence. [AB-1805]
Provides mandatory minimum term of imprisonment for certain crimes of domestic violence.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ronald Dancer Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires school districts take certain actions to increase participation in free or reduced priced meal programs; prohibits shaming students with school meal bills in arrears; prohibits certain district actions in collecting unpaid school meal fees. [AB-1631]
Requires school districts take certain actions to increase participation in free or reduced priced meal programs; prohibits shaming students with school meal bills in arrears; prohibits certain district actions in collecting unpaid school meal fees.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joann Downey Combined With A1630 (acs) on 02/13/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Establishes additional factors for municipal adjustment used in calculating fair share affordable housing obligations; provides population-based cap for these obligations. [AB-1872]
Establishes additional factors for municipal adjustment used in calculating fair share affordable housing obligations; provides population-based cap for these obligations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory McGuckin Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Provides preference for in-State businesses in State contracting. [AB-409]
Provides preference for in-State businesses in State contracting.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly State And Local Government Committee on 01/14/2020

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