AN ACT related to anti-bullying. [SB-20]
Create a new section in KRS Chapter 2 designating October as Anti-Bullying Month in Kentucky and a purple and yellow ribbon as the symbol for anti-bullying awareness.
SB-20: AN ACT related to anti-bullying.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jared Carpenter
Signed By Governor (acts, Ch. 63) on 04/09/2014
AN ACT relating to funds recovered by constitutional officers through legal actions. [SB-223]
Amend KRS 48.005 to direct that any funds of any kind that are recovered through judgment or settlement in any legal action filed by the Attorney General or other statewide constitutional officer shall be deposited into the general fund surplus account following any direct consumer restitution ordered by the court; require constitutional officers to notify the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and the State Treasurer when the officer is contemplating settlement or is entering into settlement negotiations in any legal action which
SB-223: AN ACT relating to funds recovered by constitutional officers through legal actions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 03/21/2014
AN ACT relating to transfers of firearms. [SB-232]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to specify the conditions under which the chief of a local law enforcement agency certifies a transfer of items under the National Firearms Act.
SB-232: AN ACT relating to transfers of firearms.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jared Carpenter
Posted In Committee on 03/24/2014
AN ACT relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan. [SB-4]
Amend KRS 6.525 to allow members contributing to the Legislators' Retirement Plan prior to January 1, 2014, to make a one-time election to have their benefits from the Legislators' Retirement Plan based solely on their legislative salary and any salary, earned in another state-administered retirement system prior to January 1, 2014.
SB-4: AN ACT relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Taken From Rules on 03/13/2014
AN ACT relating to controlled substances. [SB-5]
Amend KRS 72.026 to increase the scope of mandatory coroner and medical examiner reporting in deaths involving Schedule I deaths; amend KRS 196.286 and 196.288 to direct that a portion of recaptured savings from criminal justice reforms be directed to funding of KY-ASAP; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to specify the controlled substance treatment services to be offered under Medicaid; amend KRS 217.186 to increase the availability of Naloxone for use as a rescue drug for narcotic overdose situations; create a new section of KRS Chapter
SB-5: AN ACT relating to controlled substances.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jared Carpenter
Committee Substitute Defeated on 04/15/2014
AN ACT relating to boating law enforcement. [SB-66]
Amend KRS 235.310 to only allow boating enforcement officers to enter upon boats on the waters of the Commonwealth if the officer has a reasonable and articulable suspicion that a violation of KRS Chapter 235 or the administrative regulations promulgated thereunder has occurred; allow the department to conduct periodic inspections of marine sanitation devices according to regular inspection schedules; name the Act the Boater Freedom Act.
SB-66: AN ACT relating to boating law enforcement.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jared Carpenter
Signed By Governor (acts, Ch. 109) on 04/10/2014
AN ACT relating to dogs. [SB-78]
Amend KRS 258.095 to amend the definition of who qualifies as the owner of a dog to include persons permitting the dog to remain on or about premises owned and occupied by the person.
SB-78: AN ACT relating to dogs.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
To Judiciary (h) on 02/13/2014
AN ACT relating to public utilities. [SB-91]
Amend KRS 278.380 to allow the Public Service Commission to deliver its orders by electronic transmission unless a party objects in writing; clarify the form of electronic transmissions by the commission.
SB-91: AN ACT relating to public utilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jared Carpenter
Signed By Governor (acts, Ch. 45) on 04/07/2014