Natural Resources - Commercial Fisheries Offenses - Stay of Revocation [HB-1005]
Requiring a presiding officer after a specified administrative finding on specified commercial fisheries offenses related to oysters, crabs, or striped bass to stay a license revocation pending conviction for the offense, unless the presiding officer finds or concludes that the licensee wantonly or willfully committed the offense.
Recreational Hunting and Fishing License Applications - Voter Registration [HB-1008]
Requiring the State Board of Elections and the Department of Natural Resources to jointly develop and implement procedures for persons who apply for the issuance or renewal of a recreational hunting or fishing license online to be offered the opportunity to register to vote through a link to Maryland's Online Voter Registration System; and prohibiting the Department of Natural Resources from being deemed a voter registration agency for the purposes of providing, accepting, and forwarding voter registration applications.
HB-1008: Recreational Hunting and Fishing License Applications - Voter Registration
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/11/2015
Crimes - Solicitation to Commit Murder or Arson - Statute of Limitations [HB-1046]
Providing that the statute of limitations for the crime of solicitation to commit murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, arson in the first degree, or arson in the second degree is the statute of limitations for the prosecution of the substantive crime that is the subject of the solicitation.
HB-1046: Crimes - Solicitation to Commit Murder or Arson - Statute of Limitations
Sponsored by: Rep. Brett Wilson
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/19/2015
Complimentary Hunting License for Former Prisoners of War or Disabled Veterans - Reciprocity [HB-1074]
Authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to issue a lifetime complimentary hunter's license to an out-of-state person who certifies that the person is a former prisoner of war or 100% service connected disabled American veteran if the person's state of residence extends similar privileges to former prisoners of war or 100% service connected disabled American veterans of this State.
HB-1074: Complimentary Hunting License for Former Prisoners of War or Disabled Veterans - Reciprocity
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 295 on 05/12/2015
Election Law - Voter Registration and Absentee Voting - Proof of Citizenship [HB-1076]
Requiring individuals who apply to register to vote after June 30, 2015, to submit proof of United States citizenship; providing that individuals who are not citizens of the United States are not qualified to be registered voters; requiring an applicant for voter registration to submit specified documents or information to prove United States citizenship; etc.
HB-1076: Election Law - Voter Registration and Absentee Voting - Proof of Citizenship
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means on 03/16/2015
Landlord and Tenant - Security Deposit - Use for Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills [HB-1082]
Authorizing a landlord to withhold all or part of a security deposit under a residential lease for unpaid water and sewer bills if water and sewer bills are required to be paid by the tenant under the lease; making conforming changes to provisions relating to purchasing a surety bond instead of paying all or part of a security deposit; altering the definition of "security deposit"; etc.
HB-1082: Landlord and Tenant - Security Deposit - Use for Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/16/2015
Economic Development - Rural Economic Development Program and One Maryland Tax Credit [HB-1089]
Establishing the Rural Economic Development Program to encourage businesses to locate and expand in the rural counties of the State; providing that for 10 taxable years after a business is designated as a qualified business under the Program, the business is eligible for a specified property tax exemption, income tax subtraction modification, and sales and use tax exemption; establishing the Rural Economic Development Program Infrastructure Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to be used to make grants to specified counties; etc.
HB-1089: Economic Development - Rural Economic Development Program and One Maryland Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. (economic Matters) on 03/11/2015
Open Space Incentive Program - Payments to Counties [HB-1091]
Repealing specified provisions that provide counties with a percentage of revenues derived from a State forest or park reserve and concession operations within a county; requiring specified payments to counties for State forests, parks, and wildlife management areas that are exempt from the property tax; providing for a payment of $250,000 for each open space unit in the county beginning in fiscal year 2017; establishing the manner of determining which land is considered in determining the amount of the payment; etc.
HB-1091: Open Space Incentive Program - Payments to Counties
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/13/2015