Stormwater Management - Watershed Protection and Restoration Program - Repeal [HB-481]
Repealing the requirement that, on or before July 1, 2013, a county or municipality subject to a specified municipal stormwater permit adopt and implement laws or ordinances to establish a watershed protection and restoration program; repealing the requirement that a county or municipality maintain or administer a local watershed protection and restoration fund; repealing the requirement that a county or municipality establish and annually collect a stormwater remediation fee; etc.
HB-481: Stormwater Management - Watershed Protection and Restoration Program - Repeal
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/09/2015
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Military Retirement Income [HB-482]
Removing the limitation on the amount of specified military retirement income that may be subtracted from federal adjusted gross income for Maryland income tax purposes; and applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2014.
HB-482: Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Military Retirement Income
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/27/2015
Transportation - Highway User Revenues - Phased Restoration [HB-484]
Increasing the portion of highway user revenues that is distributed to local governments; altering the allocation of the local share of highway user revenues among Baltimore City, counties, and municipalities; and repealing obsolete language.
HB-484: Transportation - Highway User Revenues - Phased Restoration
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2015
Election Law - Fair Campaign Financing Fund - Income Tax Checkoff [HB-485]
Requiring the Comptroller to establish a checkoff on the individual income tax return through which specified individuals may make a contribution to the Fair Campaign Financing Fund; requiring the Comptroller to credit specified funds to the Fair Campaign Financing Fund; providing that specified fees, fines and penalties that are assessed under the Election Law Article and the General Provisions Article be distributed to the Fair Campaign Financing Fund; etc.
HB-485: Election Law - Fair Campaign Financing Fund - Income Tax Checkoff
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 312 on 05/12/2015
Public Charter School Expansion and Improvement Act of 2015 [HB-486]
Including employees of public charter school operators under provisions of law relating to collective bargaining; authorizing public charter schools to give greater weight to specified students during a lottery to determine admission to the public charter school; clarifying that the State Board of Education is a public chartering authority; specifying the contents of an application to open a public charter school; altering the time period within which the State Board must render a decision on a specified appeal; etc.
HB-486: Public Charter School Expansion and Improvement Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/26/2015
Maryland Education Credit [HB-487]
Allowing a tax credit against the State income tax for contributions made to specified student assistance organizations; requiring the Department of Business and Economic Development to administer the tax credit; requiring an entity to submit an application to be a student assistance organization on or before December 1 of each year; establishing the Maryland Education Tax Credit Reserve Fund; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2014; etc.
HB-487: Maryland Education Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/05/2015
Income Tax Subtraction Modification - Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services Personnel (Hometown Heroes Act) [HB-488]
Increasing the amount of a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for specified qualifying volunteer fire, rescue, and emergency medical services members; providing a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax under specified circumstances for a specified amount of retirement income attributable to a resident's employment as a law enforcement officer or the individual's service as fire, rescue, or emergency services personnel; etc.
HB-488: Income Tax Subtraction Modification - Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services Personnel (Hometown Heroes Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/27/2015
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act [HB-492]
Prohibiting, except in specified circumstances, the performance or inducement or attempted performance or inducement of an abortion unless a determination as to the probable age of the unborn child is made by a specified physician; providing that the failure of a physician to perform specified actions is deemed unprofessional conduct; etc.
HB-492: Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2015
Rape Survivor Family Protection Act [HB-503]
Excluding as a father of a child, for purposes of specified provisions relating to the paternity of a child in a guardianship or adoption proceeding, a man who has committed a specified sexual crime against the child's mother; requiring a court to consider a specified statement when making a specified finding; prohibiting a court from requiring publication of specified information under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-503: Rape Survivor Family Protection Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/19/2015