Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established, drug cost affordability review, report. [SB-376]
Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established; drug cost affordability review. Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board for the purpose of protecting state residents, state and local governments, commercial health plans, health care providers, pharmacies licensed in the Commonwealth, and other stakeholders within the health care system from the high costs of prescription drug products. Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established; drug cost affordability review. Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Review
SB-376: Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established, drug cost affordability review, report.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Left In Commerce And Labor on 11/21/2022
Zoning; wireless communications infrastructure, application process. [SB-255]
Zoning; wireless communications infrastructure; application process. Provides that in its consideration of certain communications infrastructure applications, a locality shall not disapprove an application if (i) the proposed new structure provides additional wireless coverage or capacity for first responders or (ii) the proposed tower is not within a four-mile radius of an existing tower that is part of the applicant's network. Additional changes in the bill provide that a locality shall not be prohibited from disapproving certain applications
Legal gaming; JLARC to study whether stand-alone oversight agcy. would allow more focused oversight. [SJR-25]
Study; JLARC; whether a stand-alone gaming oversight agency would allow for more focused oversight of all types of legal gaming in the Commonwealth and alleviate potential conflicts of interest; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study whether a stand-alone gaming oversight agency would allow for more focused oversight of all types of legal gaming in the Commonwealth and alleviate potential conflicts of interest by (i) evaluating whether the current oversight and regulatory structure of the different types of legal
SJR-25: Legal gaming; JLARC to study whether stand-alone oversight agcy. would allow more focused oversight.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In Rules on 11/21/2022
Restricted driver's license; issuance for multiple convictions of driving while intoxicated, etc. [SB-783]
Issuance of a restricted driver's license for multiple convictions of driving while intoxicated; completion of specialty dockets. Provides that a person whose driver's license has been revoked for multiple convictions of driving while intoxicated may file a petition for the issuance of a restricted driver's license without having to wait for the expiration of three years from the date of his last conviction when such person's last conviction resulted from a final order being entered by a court after the successful completion of a Veterans Treatment
SB-783: Restricted driver's license; issuance for multiple convictions of driving while intoxicated, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/22/2023
Deaf and the Blind, Virginia School for the; authority to establish campus security department. [SB-826]
Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind; authority to establish campus security department. Authorizes the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind to establish and maintain a campus security department and to employ campus security personnel therein. Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind; authority to establish campus security department. Authorizes the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind to establish and maintain a campus security
SB-826: Deaf and the Blind, Virginia School for the; authority to establish campus security department.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0428) on 03/23/2023
Substance Abuse Services Council; name change, membership. [SB-824]
Substance Abuse Services Council; name change; membership. Renames the Substance Abuse Services Council as the Virginia Addiction Recovery Council and increases from 29 to 32 the membership of the Council by adding two members representing the problem gambling recovery community and one member representing the board of directors of the Opiod Abatement Authority. Substance Abuse Services Council; name change; membership. Renames the Substance Abuse Services Council as the Virginia Addiction Recovery Council and increases from 29 to 32 the membership
SB-824: Substance Abuse Services Council; name change, membership.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0466) on 03/24/2023
Deaf and the Blind, Virginia School for the; background checks for all applicants for employment. [SB-825]
Public schools; background checks; Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind. Provides that the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is deemed a governmental entity for the purpose of receiving from the Central Criminal Records Exchange criminal history record information pertaining to an application for employment. The bill also provides that the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is subject to the same requirement of each local school board that all applicants for employment as instructional
SB-825: Deaf and the Blind, Virginia School for the; background checks for all applicants for employment.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0670) on 03/26/2023
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; VSCC to study hate crimes and bias-motivated acts. [SJR-230]
Study; Virginia State Crime Commission; hate crimes and bias-motivated acts directed toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; report. Directs the Virginia State Crime Commission to study the increase in hate crimes and bias-motivated acts directed toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the Commonwealth.
SJR-230: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; VSCC to study hate crimes and bias-motivated acts.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In Rules on 02/22/2023
Safety & Health Codes Bd. of Dept. of Labor & Industry; regulation regarding cranes & derricks, etc. [SB-840]
Department of Labor and Industry; Safety and Health Codes Board; Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Program; use of cranes and derricks in construction; report. Requires the Safety and Health Codes Board of the Department of Labor and Industry to adopt regulations to the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Program, regarding cranes and derricks in construction, to allow an active load stabilization mechanism or passive load stabilization mechanism, defined in the bill, to be used if necessary to prevent hazardous rotation of a load as determined
SB-840: Safety & Health Codes Bd. of Dept. of Labor & Industry; regulation regarding cranes & derricks, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Passed By Indefinitely In Commerce And Labor With Letter (13-y 0-n) on 01/30/2023
Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; security deposits. [SB-891]
Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; security deposits. Increases from 15 to 30 days the additional time period that a landlord has to provide a tenant with an itemization of damages to the premises and the cost of repair when such damages exceed the amount of the tenant's security deposit and require the services of a third-party contractor. The bill has an expiration date of June 30, 2024, and is identical to
SB-891: Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; security deposits.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0434) on 03/23/2023