Military status or decorations; false representation with intent to obtain services, penalty. [HB-1319]
False representation of military status; penalty. Provides that any person who, with the intent to obtain any services, falsely represents himself to be a member or veteran of the military, or the recipient of any decoration or medal created by federal or state law to honor members or veterans of the military, and obtains such services is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
HB-1319: Military status or decorations; false representation with intent to obtain services, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0236) on 03/04/2016
Correctional officers; survey upon resignation, termination, or employment transition. [HB-1322]
Correctional officers; survey upon resignation, termination, employment transition. Requires the Director of the Department of Corrections to develop and administer a survey of each correctional officer who resigns, is terminated, or is transitioned to a position other than correctional officer for the purpose of evaluating employment conditions and factors that contribute to or impede the retention of correctional officers.
HB-1322: Correctional officers; survey upon resignation, termination, or employment transition.
Sponsored by: Sen. Taylor Mason
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0205) on 03/01/2016
Veterans Services Foundation; membership. [HB-1341]
Veterans Services Foundation. Requires the Department of Veterans Services to provide administrative and other support services to the Veterans Services Foundation (the Foundation). Current law requires the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs to designate a state agency to provide such support. Existing law specifies the composition and duties of the Foundation's board of trustees but is otherwise silent on Foundation membership; the bill provides that the membership of the Foundation shall be composed of the board of trustees, supporting
Public elementary and secondary schools; teacher grievance procedures. [HB-1352]
Public elementary and secondary schools; teacher grievance procedures. Permits a school board to conduct a teacher grievance hearing before a three-member fact-finding panel consisting of one member selected by the teacher, one member selected by the division superintendent, and an impartial hearing officer, selected by the other two panel members, to serve as the chairman of the panel. Under current law, the school board has the option of appointing a hearing officer or conducting such hearing itself. The bill also removes the requirement that
HB-1352: Public elementary and secondary schools; teacher grievance procedures.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Education on 02/16/2016
U.S. of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia; purchase of flags by public bodies. [HB-1353]
Purchase of flags of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia by public bodies. Provides that whenever a state or local public body or school division purchases a flag of the United States or a flag of the Commonwealth for public use, such flag must be made in the United States from articles, materials, or supplies that are grown, produced, and manufactured in the United States. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2017.
HB-1353: U.S. of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia; purchase of flags by public bodies.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In General Laws on 02/16/2016
Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting, etc. [HB-1354]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting; construction and professional services. Authorizes any public body to procure construction on a best value procurement basis using a numerical scoring system consisting of the following: (i) technical solution, 30 percent; (ii) past performance, 30 percent, including (a) price history of cost overruns, (b) schedule history of on-time delivery, and (c) contractor performance ratings from the immediately preceding five-year period; and (iii) price, 40 percent. The Request for Proposal
HB-1354: Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In General Laws on 02/16/2016
Electrical transmission lines; construction near hospital helipads. [HB-1378]
Electrical transmission lines near hospital helipads. Prohibits the State Corporation Commission from issuing a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing a public utility to construct an electrical transmission line with a capacity of 100 kV or more within 2,000 feet of an existing or approved hospital helipad.
HB-1378: Electrical transmission lines; construction near hospital helipads.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In Commerce And Labor on 02/16/2016
Protective orders; possession of firearms, penalty. [HB-1391]
Protective orders; possession of firearms; penalty. Provides that it is a Class 6 felony for a person who is subject to a permanent protective order (i.e., a protective order with a maximum duration of two years) for family abuse to possess a firearm while the order is in effect. The bill also provides that such person may continue to possess and transport a firearm for 24 hours after being served with the order for the purposes of selling or transferring the firearm to another person. Under current law, it is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a person
HB-1391: Protective orders; possession of firearms, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0048) on 02/26/2016
Virginia Human Rights Act; prohibits discrimination in employment. [HB-179]
Virginia Human Rights Act; prohibited discrimination in employment. Prohibits discrimination in private or public employment based on sexual orientation or status as a veteran. Under the Virginia Human Rights Act, such discrimination is actionable if the violating employer has between five and 15 employees. The bill defines "sexual orientation" as a person's actual or perceived heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, or gender identity or expression. The bill expressly provides that "sexual orientation" does not include any person's attraction
HB-179: Virginia Human Rights Act; prohibits discrimination in employment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Left In General Laws on 02/16/2016
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission; increases membership. [HB-181]
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission; membership. Increases the number of nonlegislative citizen members of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission from 13 to 14 by increasing from one to two the members who represent Loudoun County.
HB-181: Northern Virginia Transportation Commission; increases membership.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0117) on 03/01/2016