Rep. David Rible


District HD-030
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Requires specific reduction of sulfur content in heating oil, and scheduled increase of blending biofuels therein after July 1, 2011, unless requirements are waived by Governor pursuant to Executive Order. [AB-1054]
Requires specific reduction of sulfur content in heating oil, and scheduled increase of blending biofuels therein after July 1, 2011, unless requirements are waived by Governor pursuant to Executive Order.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Addiego Introduced, Referred To Assembly Telecommunications And Utilities Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Eliminates smoking ban exemption for casinos and simulcasting facilities. [AB-1062]
Eliminates smoking ban exemption for casinos and simulcasting facilities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Patrick Diegnan Introduced, Referred To Assembly Health And Senior Services Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Requires the design of new public schools to incorporate the "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design" (LEED) guidelines. [AB-1076]
Requires the design of new public schools to incorporate the "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design" (LEED) guidelines.


Sponsored by: Sen. John McKeon Reported Out Of Assembly Committee, 2nd Reading on 06/16/2011

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Removes authority of MVC to increase certain fees; sets certain fees by statute. [AB-1094]
Removes authority of MVC to increase certain fees; sets certain fees by statute.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Addiego Introduced, Referred To Assembly Transportation, Public Works And Independent Authorities Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Exempts military personnel receiving combat zone pay from the gross income tax. [AB-1147]
Exempts military personnel receiving combat zone pay from the gross income tax.


Sponsored by: Sen. Patrick Diegnan Introduced, Referred To Assembly Military And Veterans' Affairs Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Requires campaign contribution to be accompanied by certification that contributor has not been convicted of crime. [AB-1148]
Requires campaign contribution to be accompanied by certification that contributor has not been convicted of crime.


Sponsored by: Sen. Samuel Thompson Introduced, Referred To Assembly State Government Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Prohibits use of campaign funds by candidate or legislative leader convicted of crime; requires that such funds be paid to ELEC for enforcement purposes. [AB-1149]
Prohibits use of campaign funds by candidate or legislative leader convicted of crime; requires that such funds be paid to ELEC for enforcement purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Samuel Thompson Introduced, Referred To Assembly State Government Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Eliminates statute of limitations in civil cases involving certain sexual offenses. [AB-1150]
Eliminates statute of limitations in civil cases involving certain sexual offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Rible Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Requires AG to defend challenges to certain municipal ordinances that establish residency requirements for convicted sex offenders. [AB-1151]
Requires AG to defend challenges to certain municipal ordinances that establish residency requirements for convicted sex offenders.


Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Giblin Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Prohibits the use of certain fishing gear on artificial reefs. [AB-1152]
Prohibits the use of certain fishing gear on artificial reefs.


Sponsored by: Sen. Patrick Diegnan Introduced, Referred To Assembly Agriculture And Natural Resources Committee on 01/12/2010

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