Rep. David Rible


District HD-030
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Provides for mandatory imprisonment and forfeiture of retirement benefits for public officers or employees convicted of certain crimes. [AB-1605]
Provides for mandatory imprisonment and forfeiture of retirement benefits for public officers or employees convicted of certain crimes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Amy Handlin Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Permits approval of certain regional contribution agreements through December 31, 2009. [AB-1621]
Permits approval of certain regional contribution agreements through December 31, 2009.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Addiego Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Local Government Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Enacts the "Jessica Lunsford Act;" increases sentences for sex offenders and persons who harbor them. [AB-1767]
Enacts the "Jessica Lunsford Act;" increases sentences for sex offenders and persons who harbor them.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Addiego Reported And Referred To Assembly Appropriations Committee on 05/13/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Provides immunity from civil liability to anyone who in good faith uses an automated external defibrillator in an emergency. [AB-1774]
Provides immunity from civil liability to anyone who in good faith uses an automated external defibrillator in an emergency.


Sponsored by: Sen. Patrick Diegnan Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Expands eligibility under the Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act by broadening certain municipal qualifier provisions. [AB-1785]
Expands eligibility under the Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act by broadening certain municipal qualifier provisions.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Holzapfel Introduced, Referred To Assembly Commerce And Economic Development Committee on 01/12/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

"Historic Property Reinvestment Act"; provides credits against certain taxes for certain costs of rehabilitating historic properties. [AB-1851]
"Historic Property Reinvestment Act"; provides credits against certain taxes for certain costs of rehabilitating historic properties.


Sponsored by: Sen. Anthony Bucco Absolute Veto, Received In The Assembly on 02/22/2011

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Expands jurisdiction of municipal arson investigators. [AB-1855]
Expands jurisdiction of municipal arson investigators.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ralph Caputo Reported From Assembly Comm. As A Substitute, 2nd Reading on 12/09/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Requires certain conditions be met in order for school districts to provide their employees with tuition assistance for coursework or additional compensation upon acquisition of academic credits or completion of a degree program. [AB-1894]
Requires certain conditions be met in order for school districts to provide their employees with tuition assistance for coursework or additional compensation upon acquisition of academic credits or completion of a degree program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mila Jasey Substituted By S826 on 02/25/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Creates New Jersey Honor Guard Ribbon. [AB-1945]
Creates New Jersey Honor Guard Ribbon.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Addiego Approved P.l.2010, C.58. on 08/23/2010

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2010-2011 Regular Session

Authorizes special Gold Star Family motor vehicle license plates for certain family members of military personnel who died while on active duty.* [AB-1958]
Authorizes special Gold Star Family motor vehicle license plates for certain family members of military personnel who died while on active duty.*


Sponsored by: Sen. Patrick Diegnan Substituted By S2192 (1r) on 12/13/2010

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