You have voted AB-1605: Provides for mandatory imprisonment and forfeiture of retirement benefits for public officers or employees convicted of certain crimes..
You have voted AB-1851: "Historic Property Reinvestment Act"; provides credits against certain taxes for certain costs of rehabilitating historic properties..
AB-1894: Requires certain conditions be met in order for school districts to provide their employees with tuition assistance for coursework or additional compensation upon acquisition of academic credits or completion of a degree program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mila Jasey
Substituted By S826 on 02/25/2010
You have voted AB-1894: Requires certain conditions be met in order for school districts to provide their employees with tuition assistance for coursework or additional compensation upon acquisition of academic credits or completion of a degree program..
AB-1958: Authorizes special Gold Star Family motor vehicle license plates for certain family members of military personnel who died while on active duty.*
Sponsored by: Sen. Patrick Diegnan
Substituted By S2192 (1r) on 12/13/2010
You have voted AB-1958: Authorizes special Gold Star Family motor vehicle license plates for certain family members of military personnel who died while on active duty.*.