Relating to land use; and declaring an emergency. [HB-2127]
Removes deadline by which City of Pendleton must apply to Land Conservation and Development Commission to become part of affordable housing pilot program. Requires Department of Land Conservation and Development to study changes to Land Conservation and Development Commission and abolishment of Land Use Board of Appeals. Directs department to submit findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to land use no later than September 15, 2024.] Removes deadline by which City of Pendleton must apply to Land Conservation and Development
HB-2127: Relating to land use; and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Hansell
Chapter 221, (2023 Laws): Effective Date June 30, 2023. on 07/24/2023
Relating to elections. [HB-2226]
Prohibits individual from collecting and returning ballot of another individual, subject to specified exceptions. Prohibits individual from collecting and returning ballot of another individual, subject to specified exceptions.
HB-2226: Relating to elections.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to reimbursement for certain property tax expenditures; prescribing an effective date. [HB-2118]
Directs Department of Revenue to develop and implement program to award grants to local taxing jurisdictions to reimburse them for property tax expenditures incurred to encourage development and provision of affordable housing. Directs Department of Revenue to develop and implement program to award grants to local taxing jurisdictions to reimburse them for property tax expenditures incurred to encourage development and provision of affordable housing. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB-2118: Relating to reimbursement for certain property tax expenditures; prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to ballot measures. [HB-2125]
Authorizes chief petitioners to use any form of signature sheet to gather signatures for potential ballot measure, provided that signatures are legible, can be verified and chief petitioner pays fee of $5 for every sheet that is not on standard form designed by Secretary of State. Authorizes chief petitioners to use any form of signature sheet to gather signatures for potential ballot measure, provided that signatures are legible, can be verified and chief petitioner pays fee of $5 for every sheet that is not on standard form designed by Secretary
HB-2125: Relating to ballot measures.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to optionally provided employment benefits; prescribing an effective date. [HB-2138]
Repeals provisions of paid family and medical leave insurance program. Repeals provisions of paid family and medical leave insurance program. Creates income or corporate excise tax credit allowed to employer that provides certain family and medical leave benefits to employees. Creates income or corporate excise tax credit allowed to smaller employer to compensate for paid time off provided to employees. Applies to all tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB-2138: Relating to optionally provided employment benefits; prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to requiring two-thirds majority vote to pass bills declaring emergency. [HJR-11]
Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to require two-thirds majority vote in favor in each chamber of Legislative Assembly to pass bills declaring emergency. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to require two-thirds majority vote in favor in each chamber of Legislative Assembly to pass bills declaring emergency. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.
HJR-11: Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to requiring two-thirds majority vote to pass bills declaring emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lily Morgan
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to juvenile offender sentencing. [HB-2256]
Repeals requirement for court to include in judgment document age of defendant at time of committing offense if defendant is sentenced to term of incarceration and physical custody of defendant is related to age of defendant at time of committing offense. Repeals requirement for court to include in judgment document age of defendant at time of committing offense if defendant is sentenced to term of incarceration and physical custody of defendant is related to age of defendant at time of committing offense. Repeals direction to Department of Corrections
HB-2256: Relating to juvenile offender sentencing.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to public record fees. [HB-2136]
Restricts public body from imposing fee for public record if public body maintains record in electronic form, requester agrees to accept record in electronic form and record is retrievable by public body without need to conduct archival search for record. Restricts public body from imposing fee for public record if public body maintains record in electronic form, requester agrees to accept record in electronic form and record is retrievable by public body without need to conduct archival search for record. Establishes presumption that fee restriction
HB-2136: Relating to public record fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to vacancies in office of judge. [HJR-2]
Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to provide that when vacancy occurs in office of judge of any court, office remains vacant until vacancy is filled at next general election. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to provide that when vacancy occurs in office of judge of any court, office remains vacant until vacancy is filled at next general election. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.
HJR-2: Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to vacancies in office of judge.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Mannix
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023