Authorizes chief petitioners to use any form of signature sheet to gather signatures for potential ballot measure, provided that signatures are legible, can be verified and chief petitioner pays fee of $5 for every sheet that is not on standard form designed by Secretary of State. Authorizes chief petitioners to use any form of signature sheet to gather signatures for potential ballot measure, provided that signatures are legible, can be verified and chief petitioner pays fee of $5 for every sheet that is not on standard form designed by Secretary of State. Removes requirements identifying when signature gatherer is paid for gathering signatures. Makes Legislative Counsel, rather than Attorney General, responsible for drafting ballot titles for state measures. Alters requirements for electronic signature sheets. Authorizes use of electronic signature sheets for county and city measures. Removes requirement that signature gatherer certify each signature sheet. Removes registration and training requirements for paid signature gatherers. Removes estimate of financial impact requirements for state measures. Eliminates Citizens' Initiative Review Commission.