Rep. Wren Williams


District HD-009
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 90

Sponsored Legislation

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Absentee ballots; witness requirement, printed name and residence address. [HB-149]
Absentee ballots; witness requirement; printed name and residence address. Requires that a witness to a voter's absentee ballot provide, in addition to his signature, his printed name, his date of birth, the last four digits of his social security number, and his residence address.


Sponsored by: Rep. Hyland Fowler Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Commending the Honorable M. Kirkland Cox. [HR-2]
Commending the Honorable M. Kirkland Cox.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Taken Up For Immediate Consideration on 01/12/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Criminal cases; sentencing by jury. [HB-415]
Criminal cases; sentencing by jury. Provides that if a jury finds a person guilty of a criminal offense, such jury shall ascertain the punishment of the offense. Under current law, unless the accused has requested that the jury ascertain punishment, the court shall fix punishment after the accused has been found guilty by a jury.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Ballard Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Admission to bail; rebuttable presumptions against bail. [HB-812]
Admission to bail; rebuttable presumptions against bail. Creates a rebuttable presumption against bail for certain criminal offenses enumerated in the bill and for persons identified as being illegally present in the United States by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement who are charged with certain offenses. The bill also requires the court to consider specified factors when determining whether the presumption against bail has been rebutted and whether there are appropriate conditions of release.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary (9-y 6-n) on 02/28/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Voter registration; registration permitted up to and including the day of the election. [HB-780]
Voter registration; registration permitted up to and including the day of the election. Repeals a provision that would permit any person who is qualified to register to vote to register to vote in person up to and including the day of the election, notwithstanding any deadline for the close of registration records. The repeal will limit the persons who are entitled to register to vote after the close of registration records to (i) any member of a uniformed service of the United States who is on active duty, (ii) any person residing temporarily outside (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Elections; photo identification required, time for in-person absentee. [HB-779]
Elections; photo identification required; time for in-person absentee; absentee ballots not accepted after election day; repeal of permanent absentee voter list. Requires presentation of a form of identification containing a photograph in order to vote. The bill repeals the provisions of law permitting a voter who does not have one of the required forms of identification to vote after signing a statement, subject to felony penalties for false statements, that he is the named registered voter he claims to be. Instead, the bill provides that such (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Nonsuits; appeals from judgment of a general district court. [HB-782]
Nonsuits; appeals from judgment of a general district court; emergency. Permits a plaintiff to nonsuit a claim appealed from a general district court in a circuit court. As introduced, the bill was a recommendation of the Boyd-Graves Conference. The bill contains an emergency clause. Nonsuits; appeals from judgment of a general district court; emergency. Permits a plaintiff to nonsuit a claim appealed from a general district court in a circuit court. As introduced, the bill was a recommendation of the Boyd-Graves Conference. The bill contains an (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Ballard Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0206) on 04/08/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Admission to bail; rebuttable presumptions against bail. [HB-811]
Admission to bail; rebuttable presumptions against bail. Creates a rebuttable presumption against bail for certain criminal offenses enumerated in the bill and for persons identified as being illegally present in the United States by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement who are charged with certain offenses. The bill also provides that a magistrate, clerk, or deputy clerk of a district court or circuit court shall not admit to bail, that is not set by a judge, any person who is charged with an offense giving rise to a rebuttable presumption (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Law-enforcement agencies; acquisition of military property. [HB-813]
Acquisition of certain military property by law-enforcement agencies. Changes the limitation on the acquisition or purchase of military property by a law-enforcement agency from firearms of .50 caliber or higher to rifles of .50 caliber or higher and from ammunition of .50 caliber or higher to rifle ammunition of .50 caliber or higher.


Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0375) on 04/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Public elementary and secondary schools; student citizenship skills, etc. [HB-781]
Public elementary and secondary schools; student citizenship skills; certain instructional policies prohibited; parental rights; disclosures; penalties; other remedies. Requires the Board of Education to incorporate into each relevant Standard of Learning and associated curriculum framework a requirement that each student demonstrate the understanding of, among other concepts, the fundamental moral, political, and intellectual foundations of the American experiment in self-government, as well as the history, qualities, traditions, and features of (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams Left In Education on 02/15/2022

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