Elections; photo identification required, time for in-person absentee.

HB 779 Elections; photo identification required, time for in person absentee

Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Elections; photo identification required, time for in-person absentee.

About HB-779

Elections; photo identification required; time for in-person absentee; absentee ballots not accepted after election day; repeal of permanent absentee voter list. Requires presentation of a form of identification containing a photograph in order to vote. The bill repeals the provisions of law permitting a voter who does not have one of the required forms of identification to vote after signing a statement, subject to felony penalties for false statements, that he is the named registered voter he claims to be. Instead, the bill provides that such voter is entitled to cast a provisional ballot. The bill also limits absentee voting in person to the week immediately preceding an election. The bill repeals the provisions of law by which any registered voter may apply to receive absentee ballots for all elections in which he is eligible to vote and remains on the list until the voter requests in writing to be removed from the list, the voter's registration is canceled or placed on inactive status pursuant to law, or the voter moves to a different address not in the same county or city of his registration. The bill also removes provisions allowing absentee ballots received after the close of polls to be counted.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/11/2022

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