Amending the Constitution to provide for the right to food, food sovereignty and freedom from hunger [HJR-105]
The purpose of this resolution is to amend the constitution to include as a right under the state Bill of Rights that all people have a natural, inherent and unalienable right to food and have a fundamental right to be free from hunger, malnutrition, starvation and the endangerment of life from the scarcity of or lack of access to nourishing food.
HJR-105: Amending the Constitution to provide for the right to food, food sovereignty and freedom from hunger
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Pushkin
Filed For Introduction on 02/01/2022
Establishing the Coalfield Communities Grant Facilitation Commission [HB-4479]
The purpose of this bill is to establish the Coalfield Communities Grant Facilitation Commission which shall administer a matching fund needed to pay the local matching portion to receive a federal, private on non-profit grant for a coalfield community organization or entity to fund a development project; directing state higher education institution to provide assistance to local entities for grant developments and application; providing directives for what types of public purposes are eligible for matching grants; and requiring annual reports to
HB-4479: Establishing the Coalfield Communities Grant Facilitation Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean
Chapter 143, Acts, Regular Session, 2022 on 04/19/2022