State Redistricting Commission [HJR-27]
The purpose of this resolution is to propose an amendment to the State Constitution that would create a nonpartisan citizen redistricting commission with the exclusive authority to adopt congressional and legislative redistricting plans for the state.
HJR-27: State Redistricting Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Mick Bates
Filed For Introduction on 01/12/2022
HB-3198: Establishing a program to facilitate the recovery of areas of the state that have been impacted by the reduction of coal production and consumption
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Rowe
Filed For Introduction on 01/12/2022
You have voted HB-3198: Establishing a program to facilitate the recovery of areas of the state that have been impacted by the reduction of coal production and consumption.
Amending the Constitution to provide for the right to food, food sovereignty and freedom from hunger [HJR-30]
The purpose of this resolution is to amend the constitution to include as a right under the state Bill of Rights that all people have a natural, inherent and unalienable right to food and have a fundamental right to be free from hunger, malnutrition, starvation and the endangerment of life from the scarcity of or lack of access to nourishing food.
HJR-30: Amending the Constitution to provide for the right to food, food sovereignty and freedom from hunger
Sponsored by: Rep. Mick Bates
Filed For Introduction on 01/12/2022