Rep. Jeremy Durham


District HD-065
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As introduced, clarifies that if a subpoena for the deposition of a witness, exempt from trial subpoena, designates that the deposition is for discovery purposes only, then the deposition shall not be used at trial except to impeach the witness in accordance with Rule 32.01(1) of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure. - Amends TCA Title 20 and Title 24. [SB-13]
As introduced, clarifies that if a subpoena for the deposition of a witness, exempt from trial subpoena, designates that the deposition is for discovery purposes only, then the deposition shall not be used at trial except to impeach the witness in accordance with Rule 32.01(1) of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure. - Amends TCA Title 20 and Title 24.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Kelsey P2c Held On Desk Pending Committee Appointments on 01/10/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, provides that doctrine of joint and several liability does not apply in civil actions governed by comparative fault; preserves the doctrine of joint and several liability among manufacturers only in a product liability, but only if such action is based upon a theory of strict liability or breach of warranty. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 11, Part 1. [SB-56]
As enacted, provides that doctrine of joint and several liability does not apply in civil actions governed by comparative fault; preserves the doctrine of joint and several liability among manufacturers only in a product liability, but only if such action is based upon a theory of strict liability or breach of warranty. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 11, Part 1.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Kelsey Pub. Ch. 317 on 05/07/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, provides for the destruction of any protected health information obtained in course of interviews with claimant's healthcare providers at the end of litigation and requires a qualified protective order to provide that participation in interview by treating healthcare provider is voluntary. - Amends TCA Section 29-26-121(f)(1)(C). [SB-273]
As enacted, provides for the destruction of any protected health information obtained in course of interviews with claimant's healthcare providers at the end of litigation and requires a qualified protective order to provide that participation in interview by treating healthcare provider is voluntary. - Amends TCA Section 29-26-121(f)(1)(C).


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Kelsey Pub. Ch. 23 on 03/22/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As introduced, compels experts in health care liability action to provide testimony on written statement in certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 26. [SB-274]
As introduced, compels experts in health care liability action to provide testimony on written statement in certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 26.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Kelsey Failed In S. Jud Comm. Ayes 3, Nays 4 Pnv 1 on 03/12/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, changes the definition of "home school student" for purposes of the Tennessee HOPE scholarship to require that a student be home schooled the last year of high school instead of the last two years of high school. - Amends TCA Section 49-4-902. [SB-538]
As enacted, changes the definition of "home school student" for purposes of the Tennessee HOPE scholarship to require that a student be home schooled the last year of high school instead of the last two years of high school. - Amends TCA Section 49-4-902.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Bell Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 361 on 05/22/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, makes certain provisions regarding procuring products or services or letting contracts for manufacture of public works, or overseeing such procurement, construction or manufacture to be funded in part or in whole with state funds applicable to all procurements and contracts, instead of just those for the manufacture of public works, or the overseeing of such procurement, construction or manufacture. [SB-591]
As enacted, makes certain provisions regarding procuring products or services or letting contracts for manufacture of public works, or overseeing such procurement, construction or manufacture to be funded in part or in whole with state funds applicable to all procurements and contracts, instead of just those for the manufacture of public works, or the overseeing of such procurement, construction or manufacture.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Johnson Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 335 on 05/21/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, authorizes retired agents or officers of the department of revenue to retain the officer or agent's service weapon and badge under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Section 67-1-1441. [SB-599]
As enacted, authorizes retired agents or officers of the department of revenue to retain the officer or agent's service weapon and badge under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Section 67-1-1441.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Johnson Pub. Ch. 434 on 05/22/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, clarifies what type of vehicle constitutes a special event services vehicle for purposes of issuing registration plates under the dealer category to manufacturers, dealers and transporters of motor vehicles. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 4. [SB-629]
As enacted, clarifies what type of vehicle constitutes a special event services vehicle for purposes of issuing registration plates under the dealer category to manufacturers, dealers and transporters of motor vehicles. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 4.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Johnson Pub. Ch. 117 on 04/24/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As introduced, broadens the board of the Tennessee corrections institute's authority to refuse to waive the minimum qualifications requirements for certain employees to include employees who suffer from certain mental illnesses or have been convicted of a felony or domestic assault. - Amends TCA Title 41, Chapter 7. [SB-630]
As introduced, broadens the board of the Tennessee corrections institute's authority to refuse to waive the minimum qualifications requirements for certain employees to include employees who suffer from certain mental illnesses or have been convicted of a felony or domestic assault. - Amends TCA Title 41, Chapter 7.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Johnson Assigned To Gen. Sub Of S. S&l Gov. Comm. on 03/05/2013

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, requires a health insurance entity offering employer-based plans to offer to employers no less than one plan option in which the copayment and coinsurance amounts for services rendered during an office visit to a chiropractic physician, physical therapist or occupational therapist are no greater than copayment and coinsurance amounts for the services rendered during an office visit to a primary care physician. - Amends TCA Title 56, Chapter 7. [SB-726]
As enacted, requires a health insurance entity offering employer-based plans to offer to employers no less than one plan option in which the copayment and coinsurance amounts for services rendered during an office visit to a chiropractic physician, physical therapist or occupational therapist are no greater than copayment and coinsurance amounts for the services rendered during an office visit to a primary care physician. - Amends TCA Title 56, Chapter 7.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bo Watson Pub. Ch. 862 on 05/16/2014

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