Increasing DMV fees and motor fuel excise taxes [HB-102]
The purpose of this bill is to increase the funding for the State Road Fund by increasing Division of Motor Vehicles administrative fees and motor fuel excise taxes, changing the flat rate component of the motor fuel excise tax, increase the minimum average wholesale price of motor fuels for purposes of the five percent variable fuel tax on a certain date, increasing administrative DMV fees every five years on September 1 based on the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index, imposing annual registration
HB-102: Increasing DMV fees and motor fuel excise taxes
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Filed For Introduction on 05/04/2017
Relating generally to taxation [HB-104]
The purpose of this bill is to provide increased funding for the General Revenue Fund by imposing severance tax on the privilege of producing coal and natural gas at graduated rates after June 30, 2017; increasing the rate of the consumers sales and service tax and use tax to 7 percent beginning July 1, 2017; imposing sales and use taxes on telecommunication services and ancillary telecommunication services beginning July 1, 2017. Eliminating exemptions from sales tax as of July 1, 2017, for services provided by health and fitness clubs and providers
HB-104: Relating generally to taxation
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Introduced In House on 05/04/2017
Relating generally to the West Virginia Parkways Authority [HB-103]
The purpose of this bill is to grant authority to the Parkways Authority to issue revenue bonds and refunding bonds for the purpose of financing parkway projects within the state constructed or improved by the Department of Transportation or the authority or refunding bonds issued in connection with any parkway project, to clarify notice and public meeting requirements and procedures for fixing or increasing tolls or fees, to study and implement, if feasible, a single fee program, and to authorize electronic toll collection as a method of collecting
HB-103: Relating generally to the West Virginia Parkways Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Filed For Introduction on 05/04/2017
You have voted HB-105: Limiting the number of days that members of the Legislature may receive compensation during an extended and extraordinary session.
Increasing the funding for the State Road Fund [HB-108]
The purpose of this bill is to increase the funding for the State Road Fund. The bill increases Division of Motor Vehicles administrative fees and motor fuel excise taxes, increase rate of consumers sales and service tax on sales of motor vehicles, increases the minimum average wholesale price of motor fuels for purposes of the five percent variable fuel tax on a certain date, and increases administrative DMV fees every five years on September 1 based on the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index, imposing
HB-108: Increasing the funding for the State Road Fund
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Filed For Introduction on 05/16/2017
HR-19: Recognizing and honoring the heroic efforts of West Virginia first responders during the state’s unprecedented and historic flooding of June 2016
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Introduced In House on 04/07/2017
You have voted HR-19: Recognizing and honoring the heroic efforts of West Virginia first responders during the state’s unprecedented and historic flooding of June 2016.