Rep. Tim Miley


District HD-048
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 41

Sponsored Legislation

State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Education, State Board of Education – School Lunch Program [HB-2501]
The purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and increase items of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2017.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley On 1st Reading, House Calendar on 04/08/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, Workforce West Virginia – Workforce Investment Act [HB-2499]
The purpose of supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and increase an item of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2017.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/16/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Adding sexual orientation to the categories covered by the Human Rights Act [HB-2529]
The purpose of this bill is to add “sexual orientation” to the categories covered by the Human Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination in employment and places of public accommodation. The bill adds “age” and “sexual orientation” to the categories covered by the Fair Housing Act prohibiting discrimination in housing. The bill defines “sexual orientation”.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/17/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Updating the meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act [HB-2590]
The purpose of this bill is to update the meaning of “federal taxable income” and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act by bringing them into conformity with their meaning for Internal Revenue Code’s definitions; and specifying effective dates.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Chapter 236, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Supplementary appropriation to DHHR [HB-2640]
The purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and increase items of appropriation in the aforesaid accounts for the designated spending units for expenditure during the fiscal year 2017.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/21/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Administration, Division of Personnel [HB-2639]
The purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and increase an item of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2017.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/21/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Requiring state institutions of higher education to conduct Phase 3 clinical research studies for any cancer treatment [HB-2633]
The purpose of this bill is to require state institutions of higher education to conduct Phase 3 clinical research studies for any cancer treatment that has been approved for Phase 3 study by the United States Food and Drug Administration.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/21/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Incorporating changes to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement [HB-2596]
The purpose of this bill is to incorporate changes made to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement and to specify effective dates.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/21/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Updating the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act [HB-2594]
The purpose of this bill is to update the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act; and specify effective dates.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Chapter 234, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

West Virginia Second Chance Act [HB-2657]
The purpose of this bill is to expand eligibility for expungement to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies; define nonviolent felony, providing exceptions to eligibility and timing of filing a petition for expungement; create petition requirements and court procedure for evaluating preliminary and final orders of expungement for nonviolent felonies; provide limitations on preliminary orders of expungement; clarify disclosure requirements with respect to the information sealed pursuant to an order of expungement, including exemptions; and provide (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/22/2017

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