Study; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; incentives for grocery stores to donate. [HJR-633]
Study; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; incentives for grocery stores to donate unsold, unspoiled food to charitable organizations; report. Requests the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to (i) study the feasibility of and develop recommendations for a program that would incentivize grocery stores to donate unsold, unspoiled food that would otherwise be discarded or wasted to hunger-relief charitable organizations for redistribution to needy families; (ii) identify the size
HJR-633: Study; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; incentives for grocery stores to donate.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Tabled In Rules By Voice Vote on 01/26/2017
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications to vote; restoration of civil rights. [HJR-694]
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications to vote; restoration of civil rights. Authorizes the General Assembly to provide by law for the restoration of civil rights for persons convicted of nonviolent felonies who have completed service of their sentences, subject to the conditions, requirements, and definitions set forth in that law. The present Constitution provides for restoration of rights by the Governor. The amendment retains the right of the Governor to restore civil rights and adds an alternative for restoration of rights
HJR-694: Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications to vote; restoration of civil rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/08/2017