Parole; exception to limitation on the application of parole statutes. [HB-1689]
Parole; exception to limitation on the application of parole statutes. Provides that a person is entitled to parole if (i) such person was sentenced by a jury prior to the date of the Supreme Court of Virginia decision in Fishback v. Commonwealth, 260 Va. 104 (June 9, 2000), in which the Court held that a jury should be instructed on the fact that parole has been abolished, for a noncapital felony committed on or after the abolition of parole going into effect (on January 1, 1995) and (ii) the jury was not instructed on the abolition of parole.
HB-1689: Parole; exception to limitation on the application of parole statutes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/05/2019
Criminal sexual assault; definition of sexual abuse, complaining witness under age 13. [HB-1716]
Criminal sexual assault; definition of sexual abuse; complaining witness under age 13. Includes in the definition of "sexual abuse" the intentional touching of any part of a complaining witness's body, either on the skin or the material covering the complaining witness's body, if the complaining witness is under the age of 13 and the act is committed with the intent to sexually molest, arouse, or gratify any person. The bill repeals the current provision relating to adult penetration of the mouth of a child under the age of 13 with lascivious intent.
HB-1716: Criminal sexual assault; definition of sexual abuse, complaining witness under age 13.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/05/2019
Worker cooperatives; established as a category of cooperative associations. [HB-1762]
Worker cooperatives. Establishes worker cooperatives as a category of cooperative associations. A worker cooperative is a stock corporation that has elected to be governed by provisions established by this measure, which include (i) conducting its business primarily for the mutual benefit of its members, (ii) allowing only current and retired employees to be members, (iii) limiting voting rights to current employees, (iv) providing that each employee is entitled to one vote, and (v) requiring that net earnings be paid or credited to members in accordance
HB-1762: Worker cooperatives; established as a category of cooperative associations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Heretick
Left In Commerce And Labor on 02/05/2019
Court-established community service programs; community service work in lieu of pymt. of fine, etc. [HB-1782]
Court-established community service programs; community service work in lieu of payment of fine or costs. Requires courts to provide an option to any person upon whom a fine and costs have been imposed to discharge all or part of the fine or costs by earning credits for the performance of community service work before or after imprisonment. Under current law, providing this option is discretionary.
HB-1782: Court-established community service programs; community service work in lieu of pymt. of fine, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. C.E. Hayes
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/05/2019
Student voters; Virginia voter registration. [HB-1795]
Student voters; Virginia voter registration. Requires each public high school and public institution of higher education to provide to any enrolled student who is of voting age or otherwise eligible to register to vote access to Virginia voter registration information and applications.
HB-1795: Student voters; Virginia voter registration.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/05/2019
Juveniles; places of confinement, separation of juveniles from adult offenders. [HB-1797]
Places of confinement for juveniles; separation of juveniles from adult offenders. Provides that when juveniles who are determined by the court to be a threat to the security or safety of other juveniles detained in a juvenile secure facility are transferred to or confined to a jail or other facility for the detention of adults, such adult-detention facility must have the capacity and availability to detain juveniles in accordance with applicable federal and state law. The bill removes an existing provision that such adult-detention facility must
HB-1797: Juveniles; places of confinement, separation of juveniles from adult offenders.
Sponsored by: Rep. C.E. Hayes
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/05/2019
Higher educational institutions, public; disciplinary proceedings against enrolled students. [HB-1831]
Public institutions of higher education; enrolled students; disciplinary proceedings; due process. Establishes several requirements for formal and informal proceedings against any student enrolled at a public institution of higher education who is alleged to have violated a rule, policy, or code of student conduct adopted by the institution, including (i) requiring the institution to provide to the student written notice of (a) the specific rule, policy, or code of student conduct that the student is alleged to have violated and the facts upon which
HB-1831: Higher educational institutions, public; disciplinary proceedings against enrolled students.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Left In Education on 02/05/2019
Food stamps; eligibility, drug-related felonies. [HB-1891]
Eligibility for food stamps; drug-related felonies. Provides that a person who is otherwise eligible to receive food stamp benefits shall not be denied such assistance solely because he has been convicted of a drug-related felony. Under current law, such individuals may not be denied food stamp benefits based on a felony conviction of possession of a controlled substance, provided that such person is complying with, or has already complied with, all obligations imposed by the criminal court, is actively engaged in or has completed a substance abuse
Small business procurement enhancement program; established, report. [HB-1892]
Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity; small business procurement enhancement program. Establishes a small business procurement enhancement program (the Program) with a statewide goal of 42 percent of small business utilization in all discretionary spending by state agencies in procurement orders, prime contracts, and subcontracts. In addition, the bill (i) provides for a small business set-aside for competition among all small businesses for state agency purchases up to $100,000 for goods and nonprofessional services and up to $50,000
HB-1892: Small business procurement enhancement program; established, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Heretick
Left In General Laws on 02/05/2019