Real Property - Mobile Home Parks - Plans for Dislocated Residents [HB-103]
Requiring that a copy of a written notice of termination be sent to the local governing body of a county or municipal corporation if the use of land of a mobile home park is to be changed; applying statewide the provision that, if a mobile home park owner does not submit a relocation plan with an application for a change in the land use of a park or does not comply with an approved plan, the application may not be approved until the owner complies; specifying provisions for a park with more than 38 sites; etc.
HB-103: Real Property - Mobile Home Parks - Plans for Dislocated Residents
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Lafferty
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Baltimore County Board of Education - Election of Members [HB-1072]
Establishing procedures for the election of the members of the Baltimore County Board of Education; repealing provisions governing the appointment of the members of the county board; requiring that some of the members of the county board reside in and be elected from specified districts and that some of the members be elected at large; establishing a term of office; providing for the removal of members and the appointment of a member to fill a vacancy; providing for the termination of the terms of the appointed county board members; etc.
HB-1072: Baltimore County Board of Education - Election of Members
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing Cancelled on 02/26/2010
Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Food Bank [HB-1142]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $250,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Maryland Food Bank, Inc. for the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, and capital equipping of the Maryland Food Bank facilities, located in Maryland; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-1142: Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Food Bank
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven DeBoy
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/12/2010
Motor Vehicles - Salvage - Standards and Requirements [HB-1199]
Creating an additional salvage application statement that an insurance company is required to provide under specified circumstances; prohibiting a person from using specified costs to determine the cost to repair a motor vehicle for highway operation under the motor vehicle salvage program; providing that a specified cost of repair calculation may not affect specified rights of specified persons; etc.
HB-1199: Motor Vehicles - Salvage - Standards and Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Little Sisters of the Poor [HB-1522]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $500,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Little Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore, Inc. for the acquisition, repair, and capital equipping of an HVAC unit for the Little Sisters of the Poor facility, located in Catonsville; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.
HB-1522: Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Little Sisters of the Poor
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven DeBoy
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/12/2010
Maryland Estate Tax - Exclusion for Family Farm Subject to Agricultural [HB-160]
Altering the determination of the Maryland estate tax to exclude from the value of the gross estate the value of specified real property that is subject to a perpetual agricultural preservation easement that has been granted to the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation and passes from the decedent to or for the use of specified relatives of the decedent; and applying the Act to decedents dying after December 31, 2009.
HB-160: Maryland Estate Tax - Exclusion for Family Farm Subject to Agricultural
Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone
Hearing Cancelled on 01/27/2010
Motor Vehicles - Use of Video and Electronic Display Equipment [HB-190]
Prohibiting a person from driving a motor vehicle on a highway if the motor vehicle is equipped with television-type receiving equipment or video display equipment that is turned on and displaying an image visible to the driver; altering the exceptions to the prohibition against locating specified electronic display equipment in specified areas of a motor vehicle; providing that a motor vehicle may be equipped with specified video equipment only if the equipment is turned off under specified circumstances; providing an exception; etc.
HB-190: Motor Vehicles - Use of Video and Electronic Display Equipment
Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone
Special Order Later Today (senator Mooney) Adopted on 04/10/2010
Criminal Law - Sale of Novelty Lighters - Prohibition [HB-191]
Prohibiting a person from selling at retail, offering for sale at retail, or distributing for retail sale in the State a novelty lighter; establishing a penalty for a violation of the Act; providing for the application of the Act; defining the term "novelty lighter"; and making the Act an emergency measure.
HB-191: Criminal Law - Sale of Novelty Lighters - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 03/05/2010
Vehicle Laws - Distracted Driving - Prohibition [HB-236]
Prohibiting a person from driving a motor vehicle in an inattentive manner resulting in the unsafe operation of the motor vehicle when the inattention is caused by the person engaging in specified preoccupying activities; providing that a violation of the Act is not a moving violation for the purpose of assessing points; authorizing a police officer to enforce the Act only as a secondary offense; etc.