Motor Vehicles - Wireless Communication Devices - Prohibited Acts [HB-544]
Repealing provisions of law that apply prohibitions involving the use of a wireless communication device to specified operators of specified motor vehicles only if the motor vehicle is in motion; and providing that prohibitions against the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle apply only if the motor vehicle is in the travel portion of the roadway.
HB-544: Motor Vehicles - Wireless Communication Devices - Prohibited Acts
Sponsored by: Rep. Galen Clagett
Hearing 2/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/11/2014
Maryland Estate Tax - Unified Credit [HB-739]
Altering the size of an estate required to file an estate tax return; altering a certain limit on the unified credit used for determining the Maryland estate tax; repealing a specified limit on the unified credit used for determining the Maryland estate tax for decedents dying before January 1, 2019; and altering a specified limit on the amount of the Maryland estate tax.
HB-739: Maryland Estate Tax - Unified Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 612 on 05/15/2014
Economic Development - Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Cybersecurity Investment Fund [HB-740]
Establishing the Cybersecurity Investment Fund in the Maryland Technology Development Corporation as a special, nonlapsing fund; specifying the purpose of the Fund; requiring the Corporation to administer the Fund; requiring the State Treasurer to hold the Fund and the Comptroller to account for the Fund; specifying the contents of the Fund; specifying the purpose for which the Fund may be used; providing for the investment of money in and expenditures from the Fund; etc.
HB-740: Economic Development - Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Cybersecurity Investment Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 535 on 05/15/2014
Business and Economic Development - Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Program [HB-741]
Establishing a Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Program; establishing a Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund and a Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund Authority in the Department of Business and Economic Development; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill specified appropriations to the Fund for specified fiscal years; providing for the membership and duties of the Authority; providing for the duties of the Department in connection with the Program; etc.
HB-741: Business and Economic Development - Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 533 on 05/15/2014
Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone Program [HB-742]
Establishing the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone Program; authorizing specified educational institutions that meet specified criteria to apply to the Secretary of Business and Economic Development to be designated as a qualified institution; requiring the Secretary to approve or reject an application for designation as a qualified institution within 90 days after the application is submitted; requiring county and municipal corporations to provide specified property tax credits for entities locating in a zone; etc.
HB-742: Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 531 on 05/15/2014
Income Tax Forms - Graphical Representation of General Fund Expenditures [HB-743]
Requiring the Comptroller to include on specified tax forms a demonstrative representation of how much of each dollar that the General Fund receives is spent on specified categories; providing that the representation may be in graphical or pictorial form; requiring the Comptroller to post the representation on the Comptroller's Web site and to include it in specified instructions on the Web site; etc.
HB-743: Income Tax Forms - Graphical Representation of General Fund Expenditures
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 537 on 05/15/2014
Task Force on the Fiscal Impact Associated With Animal Cruelty Cases [HB-795]
Establishing the Task Force on the Fiscal Impact Associated With Animal Cruelty Cases; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to collect and review specified data and specified laws and make recommendations regarding specified matters; etc.
HB-795: Task Force on the Fiscal Impact Associated With Animal Cruelty Cases
Sponsored by: Rep. C. William Frick
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/13/2014
Motor Vehicles - Low Speed Vehicles - Power Source [HB-882]
Altering the definition of the term "low speed vehicle" as it applies to the Maryland Vehicle Law to mean a motor vehicle with a specified maximum speed capability regardless of how the vehicle is powered; and making the Act an emergency measure.
HB-882: Motor Vehicles - Low Speed Vehicles - Power Source
Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 241 on 04/14/2014