Regional jails; reimbursement of capital costs of construction, etc., to locality.

SB 1313 Regional jails; reimbursement of capital costs of construction, etc , to locality

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Regional jails; reimbursement of capital costs of construction, etc., to locality.

About SB-1313

Reimbursement of capital costs; regional jails; regional contracts for cooperative jailing. Provides that on or after July 1, 2017, the Commonwealth shall reimburse a locality a maximum of one-fourth of the capital costs for any regional jail construction, enlargement, or renovation project that has been approved by the Governor on or after July 1, 2017, and specifically authorized in the general appropriation act.


Bill Texts

Enrolled 02/16/2017

Chaptered 02/23/2017

Prefiled 01/10/2017

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