Aquaculture; protection of use in an agricultural zone.

SB 1529 Aquaculture; protection of use in an agricultural zone

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Aquaculture; protection of use in an agricultural zone.

About SB-1529

Zoning; aquaculture in agricultural zone; preexisting use. Provides that any aquaculture use that was established on property that was zoned as an agricultural district at the time, but later was rezoned to disallow agriculture, is a valid nonconforming use of the property. The bill also amends a 2014 Act of Assembly that expanded the definition of agricultural products to provide that the act was declaratory of existing law.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/20/2017

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Sponsors (2)


Senate: Passed by indefinitely in Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources (15-Y 0-N)


Yeas: 15 | Nays: 0
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Bill Sponsors


Passed By Indefinitely In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources (15-y 0-n)


Presented And Ordered Printed 17104047d


Referred To Committee On Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources
