SENATE BILL NO. 1529 Offered January 20, 2017 A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 15.2-2307.2 and to amend Chapter 435 of the Acts of Assembly of 2014 by adding a third enactment, relating to zoning; aquaculture in agricultural zone. ---------- Patron-- Vogel ---------- Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources ----------

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 15.2-2307.2 as follows:

§15.2-2307.2. Protection of aquaculture in an agricultural zone.

Any aquaculture use on property that, at the time the use commenced, was located in a zone that allowed production agriculture, but whose zoning has since been changed to disallow production agriculture, shall be considered a valid nonconforming use on the property. As used in this section, "aquaculture" means the same as that term is defined in §3.2-2600 and "production agriculture" means the same as that term is defined in §15.2-2288.

2. That Chapter 435 of the Acts of Assembly of 2014 is amended by adding a third enactment as follows:

3. That the provisions of this act amending §15.2-2288 of the Code of Virginia are declaratory of existing law.