The Committee(s) On Cpn Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Passed, Unamended. The Votes In Cpn Were As Follows: 3 Aye(s): Senator(s) Keohokalole, Fukunaga, Awa; Aye(s) With Reservations: None ; 0 No(es): None; And 2 Excused: Senator(s) Mckelvey, Richards.
The Committee(s) On Cpn Will Hold A Public Decision Making On 03-27-25 9:30am; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference.
Report Adopted; Passed Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referred To Cpn.
Reported From Hhs (stand. Com. Rep. No. 1082) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Cpn.
The Committee(s) On Hhs Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Passed, With Amendments. The Votes In Hhs Were As Follows: 3 Aye(s): Senator(s) San Buenaventura, Aquino, Hashimoto; Aye(s) With Reservations: None ; 0 No(es): None; And 2 Excused: Senator(s) Keohokalole, Fevella.
The Committee(s) On Hhs Has Scheduled A Public Hearing On 03-10-25 1:00pm; Conference Room 225 & Videoconference.
Referred To Hhs, Cpn.
Passed First Reading.
Received From House (hse. Com. No. 80).
Passed Third Reading With None Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Cochran, Pierick, Templo, Ward Excused (4). Transmitted To Senate.
Reported From Fin (stand. Com. Rep. No. 948), Recommending Passage On Third Reading.
The Committee On Fin Recommend That The Measure Be Passed, Unamended. The Votes Were As Follows: 12 Ayes: Representative(s) Yamashita, Takenouchi, Grandinetti, Hussey, Keohokapu-lee Loy, Kitagawa, Kusch, Lamosao, Miyake, Morikawa, Templo, Reyes Oda; Ayes With Reservations: None; Noes: None; And 4 Excused: Representative(s) Holt, Lee, M., Alcos, Ward.
Bill Scheduled To Be Heard By Fin On Friday, 02-21-25 2:00pm In House Conference Room 308 Via Videoconference.
Report Adopted; Referred To The Committee(s) On Fin As Amended In Hd 2 With None Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Cochran, Sayama, Ward Excused (3).
Reported From Cpc (stand. Com. Rep. No. 529) As Amended In Hd 2, Recommending Referral To Fin.
The Committee On Cpc Recommend That The Measure Be Passed, With Amendments. The Votes Were As Follows: 10 Ayes: Representative(s) Matayoshi, Chun, Ilagan, Ichiyama, Iwamoto, Kong, Lowen, Marten, Tam, Pierick; Ayes With Reservations: None; Noes: None; And Excused: None.
Bill Scheduled To Be Heard By Cpc On Thursday, 02-06-25 2:00pm In House Conference Room 329 Via Videoconference.
Passed Second Reading As Amended In Hd 1 And Referred To The Committee(s) On Cpc With None Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Cochran, Kong, Ward Excused (3).
Reported From Hlt (stand. Com. Rep. No. 68) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Cpc.
The Committee On Hlt Recommend That The Measure Be Passed, With Amendments. The Votes Were As Follows: 9 Ayes: Representative(s) Takayama, Keohokapu-lee Loy, Amato, Chun, Marten, Olds, Takenouchi, Alcos, Garcia; Ayes With Reservations: None; Noes: None; And Excused: None.
Bill Scheduled To Be Heard By Hlt On Friday, 01-31-25 9:15am In House Conference Room 329 Via Videoconference.
Referred To Hlt, Cpc, Fin, Referral Sheet 1
Introduced And Pass First Reading.