Local and Regional Jails, State Board of; increases membership.

SB 797 Local and Regional Jails, State Board of; increases membership

Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Local and Regional Jails, State Board of; increases membership.

About SB-797

State Board of Local and Regional Jails; membership. Increases from nine members to 11 members the State Board of Local and Regional Jails by requiring (i) the appointment of both a former sheriff and a former superintendent of a regional jail facility where current law requires appointment of only one former sheriff or one former warden, superintendent, administrator, or operations manager of a state or local correctional facility and (ii) the appointment of an additional member who is employed by a public mental health services agency with training in or clinical, managerial, or other relevant experience working with individuals subject to the criminal justice system who have mental illness.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 03/26/2023

Enrolled 02/22/2023

Prefiled 12/01/2022

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