Occoquan, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed except section 2.

HB 822 Occoquan, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed except section 2

Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Occoquan, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed except section 2.

About HB-822

Charter; Town of Occoquan. Establishes a new charter for the Town of Occoquan in Prince William County and repeals the current charter, which was created in 1930. The proposed charter sets out the organization of the town's government and contains powers typically granted to towns. Changes from the current charter include (i) updating the description of the Town's boundary, (ii) changing the election dates for councilmembers and the mayor from May to November, (iii) changing the mayor's and councilmembers' terms of office from two years to four years, (iv) eliminating provisions that duplicate provisions in the Code of Virginia, and (v) deleting outdated provisions.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 04/11/2022

Enrolled 02/25/2022

Prefiled 01/12/2022

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