Property Tax - Charter Counties - Application of County Tax Limitation on Public Safety Budget [SB-1041]
Authorizing a county council of a charter county, notwithstanding certain provisions of law, to set by simple majority vote a property tax rate that is higher than the property tax rate authorized under a county's charter or collect more property tax revenues than the revenues authorized under the county's charter for the purpose of funding the approved public safety budget of the county; and applying the Act to all taxable years beginning after June 30, 2025.
SB-1041: Property Tax - Charter Counties - Application of County Tax Limitation on Public Safety Budget
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
First Reading Senate Rules on 03/03/2025
Real Property - Insufficient Condominium Reserve Account Grant Fund - Establishment [HB-1040]
Requiring regulated financial institutions to develop a community benefit plan in connection with applications to the Commissioner of Financial Regulation relating to financial services for purposes of providing safe and sound loans, and other financial products for low-and moderate-income individuals and communities and other distressed or underserved individuals and communities; requiring the Commissioner to exercise certain oversight authority relating to the adequacy of the community benefit plans and attainment of goals; etc.
HB-1040: Real Property - Insufficient Condominium Reserve Account Grant Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/10/2025
Baltimore County - Nuisance Actions - Community Association [HB-335]
Altering the definitions of "community association" and "local code violation" to authorize community associations to seek judicial relief for nuisance abatement in Baltimore County; requiring certain notices relating to nuisance actions to be provided to the county code enforcement agency and certain tenants and property owners; and repealing a provision of law requiring the Circuit Court for Baltimore County to determine the amount and conditions of a bond filed by a community association in a certain nuisance action.
HB-335: Baltimore County - Nuisance Actions - Community Association
Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Baltimore City - Removal of Debt Ballot Questions [SB-289]
Removing the requirement that certain debt created by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be approved by the legal voters of the City of Baltimore through a majority vote at a certain election; and providing that the proposed amendment to the Maryland Constitution be submitted to the qualified voters of the State for adoption or rejection at the next general election to be held in November 2026.
SB-289: Baltimore City - Removal of Debt Ballot Questions
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 01/27/2025
You have voted SB-144: Corporations and Associations - Limited Worker Cooperative Associations - Authorization (Maryland Limited Worker Cooperative Association Act).
Constitutional Amendment - Form of County Government - Requirement to Adopt Charter Home Rule [HB-28]
Requiring each county to adopt a charter by December 31, 2031, using a certain procedure; altering the method by which a county shall adopt a charter under certain circumstances; requiring the charter to provide for the election of members of the county council by the voters of councilmanic districts; limiting the applicability of certain Constitutional provisions governing code home rule counties; and requiring the amendment proposed by the Act be submitted to the qualified voters of the State for approval or rejection.
HB-28: Constitutional Amendment - Form of County Government - Requirement to Adopt Charter Home Rule
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Bouchat
Hearing 1/28 At 2:00 P.m. on 01/15/2025
You have voted HB-15: Corporations and Associations - Limited Worker Cooperative Associations - Authorization (Maryland Limited Worker Cooperative Association Act).
Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact [HB-118]
Repealing certain provisions of law relating to the Interstate Agreement on Qualifications of Educational Personnel; providing that certain provisions of law regarding the issuance of an initial teaching certificate do not apply to certain teachers; entering into the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact for the purpose of authorizing regulated teachers who hold multistate licenses to teach in each member state; establishing requirements for multistate licensure; providing a certain contingency requirement; etc.
HB-118: Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact
Sponsored by: Rep. Kris Fair
Hearing 1/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/15/2025
Richmond, City of; amending charter, extensive updates, removing outdated provisions. [HB-331]
Charter; City of Richmond. Makes extensive updates to the charter for the City of Richmond. Many changes in the bill have the effect of removing outdated or duplicative provisions and more closely aligning the city's powers with those set out in general law. Other changes include authorizing compensation to individual council members as may be set by the city council by resolution as compensation for attending meetings of standing committees or other meetings of the city council, in addition to the sums permitted by general law. In addition, the