Honoring Real Patriots Act of 2020

HB 7164 Honoring Real Patriots Act of 2020

US Congress 116th Congress

Honoring Real Patriots Act of 2020

About HB-7164

States that it is the policy of the United States that no military installation or other property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DOD) shall be named, or may remain named, after any individual who took up arms against the United States during the American Civil War or any individual or entity that supported such efforts.Not later than one year after the enactment of this bill, DOD shall change the name of each military installation and other property under its jurisdiction that is named after any individual who took up arms against the United States during the American Civil War or is named after any individual or entity that supported the effort to take up arms against the United States during such war.


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Introduced 06/30/2020

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Referred To The House Committee On Armed Services.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Armed Services.
