Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act [HB-1759]
Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act This bill amends the Animal Welfare Act to establish a prohibition on the use of exotic or wild animals in performances (e.g., circus, ride, carnival, or parade) of a traveling animal act. The prohibition does not apply to the use of animals in: (1) zoos; (2) aquariums; (3) research facilities; (4) film, television, or advertising, if the performance is not before a public studio audience; or (5) rodeos. The prohibition also does not apply to domestic animals or farm animals.
HB-1759: Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Referred To The Subcommittee On Livestock And Foreign Agriculture. on 04/11/2017
Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act of 2017 [HB-1753]
Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act of 2017 This bill establishes restrictions and requirements for checkoff programs, which are programs overseen by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to promote and provide research and information for a particular agricultural commodity without reference to specific producers or brands. The bill prohibits boards established to carry out a checkoff program or a USDA order issued under a checkoff program from entering into a contract or agreement to carry out program activities with a party that engages
HB-1753: Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Lieu
Introduced In House on 03/28/2017
POWER Act Pro bono Work to Empower and Represent Act of 2017 [HB-1762]
POWER Act Pro bono Work to Empower and Represent Act of 2017 This bill requires each U.S. Attorney for each judicial district to lead at least one public event that promotes pro bono legal services as a critical way to: (1) empower survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and (2) engage citizens in assisting those survivors. A similar requirement applies to districts containing Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Each U.S. Attorney shall: (1) have discretion on the design, organization, and implementation
HB-1762: POWER Act Pro bono Work to Empower and Represent Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 04/12/2017
Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act of 2017 [HB-1784]
Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act of 2017 This bill declares that it is the policy of the United States that the Arctic Ocean should be managed for the best interests of the people of the United States, including by keeping fossil fuels in the ground to avoid the dangerous impacts of climate change. The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act is amended to prohibit the Department of the Interior from issuing or renewing a lease or any other authorization for the exploration, development, or production of oil, natural gas, or any other mineral in the Arctic
HB-1784: Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Energy And Mineral Resources. on 04/06/2017
DUE PROCESS Act of 2017 Deterring Undue Enforcement by Protecting Rights Of Citizens from Excessive Searches and Seizures Act of 2017 [HB-1795]
DUE PROCESS Act of 2017 Deterring Undue Enforcement by Protecting Rights Of Citizens from Excessive Searches and Seizures Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to revise provisions related to federal civil forfeiture cases. Specifically, the bill: raises the evidentiary standard in such cases from preponderance of the evidence to clear and convincing evidence; with respect to property owners who are indigent, provides for the appointment of counsel; provides for recovery of attorney's fees with respect to settled claims in which
HB-1795: DUE PROCESS Act of 2017 Deterring Undue Enforcement by Protecting Rights Of Citizens from Excessive Searches and Seizures Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Rep. Henry Johnson
Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 04/24/2017
You have voted HB-1795: DUE PROCESS Act of 2017 Deterring Undue Enforcement by Protecting Rights Of Citizens from Excessive Searches and Seizures Act of 2017.
PAST Act Prevent All Soring Tactics Act of 2017 [HB-1847]
PAST Act Prevent All Soring Tactics Act of 2017 This bill amends the Horse Protection Act to establish a new system for inspecting horses for soring, revise penalties for violations of the Act, and modify enforcement procedures. The soring of horses is any of various actions taken on a horse's limb to produce a higher gait that may cause pain, distress, inflammation, or lameness. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) must establish requirements to license, train, assign, and oversee persons hired by the management of horse shows, exhibitions, sales,
HB-1847: PAST Act Prevent All Soring Tactics Act of 2017
The Prevent All Soring Tactics Act of 2017
This bill aims to make changes to the Horse Protection Act by designating additional unlawful acts, increasing penalties for violations, improving enforcement by the Department of Agriculture, and other purposes.
Key Points:
Defines terms such as "action device" and "participate."
Highlights findings related to soring horses and inadequate inspection programs.
Sets rules for horse shows and exhibitions, including disqualifications.
Lists unlawful acts, including the use of specific devices and materials.
Specifies violations and penalties, including fines and potential disqualifications.
Mandates the issuance of regulations within 180 days.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 03/31/2017
Honoring the accomplishments and legacy of César Estrada Chávez. [HR-237]
Honoring the accomplishments and legacy of César Estrada Chávez. Recognizes the accomplishments and example of Cesar Estrada Chavez, pledges to promote his legacy, and encourages the people of the United States to commemorate his legacy and to always remember his rallying cry, "Si, se puede!" ("Si, se puede!" is Spanish for "Yes, we can!")
HR-237: Honoring the accomplishments and legacy of César Estrada Chávez.
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Introduced In House on 03/30/2017
Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017 [HB-1809]
Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017 TITLE I--DECLARATION OF FINDINGS, PURPOSE, AND DEFINITIONS (Sec. 101) This bill amends the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (JJDPA) to revise an existing finding to specify that the increase in offenders who enter the juvenile justice system as the result of sexual abuse, exploitation, and trauma has changed the composition of violent juvenile offenders entering the juvenile justice system. (Sec. 102) The bill revises an existing purpose area to require the Department of Justice's (DOJ's)
HB-1809: Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Read Twice. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 303. on 02/06/2018
HB-1832: To authorize the appropriation of funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for conducting or supporting research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention.
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee
Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 03/31/2017
You have voted HB-1832: To authorize the appropriation of funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for conducting or supporting research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention..
Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2017 [HB-1836]
Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2017 This bill amends federal copyright law to extend a sound recording copyright owner's rights to include the exclusive right to perform or authorize the performance of the recording publicly by means of any audio transmission, thereby requiring terrestrial AM/FM broadcast radio stations that play copyrighted sound recordings to pay royalties for the nondigital audio transmissions of the recordings. (Currently, sound recording copyright owners have a performance right that applies only to digital transmissions by cable,
HB-1836: Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Lieu
Introduced In House on 03/30/2017