Stop AIDS in Prison Act of 2009

HB 1429 Stop AIDS in Prison Act of 2009

US Congress 111th Congress

Stop AIDS in Prison Act of 2009

About HB-1429

Stop AIDS in Prison Act of 2009 - Directs the Bureau of Prisons to develop, and draft regulations to implement, a comprehensive policy to provide HIV testing, treatment, and prevention for inmates in federal prisons and upon reentry into the community. Requires such policy to provide for:

  • (1) testing of inmates upon intake and counseling;
  • (2) pre-test and post-test counseling;
  • (3) improvement of HIV/AIDS awareness and inmate education;
  • (4) HIV testing of inmates annually or upon exposure to HIV;
  • (5) HIV testing of pregnant inmates;
  • (6) comprehensive medical treatment of inmates who test positive and confidential counseling on managing their medical condition and preventing HIV transmission to other persons;
  • (7) protection of inmate confidentiality;
  • (8) testing, counseling, and referral of inmates to health care and social service agencies prior to reentry into the community;
  • (9) the right of inmates to refuse routine testing; (10) excluding as "routine" the testing of an inmake who may have transmitted HIV to any U.S. officer or employee or to any person lawfully present but not incarcerated in a correctional facility; and (11) timely notification to inmates of test results.Amends the federal criminal code to:
  • (1) require HIV testing for all inmates upon intake regardless of length of sentence or risk factors;
  • (2) allow inmates to decline testing prior to release from incarceration;
  • (3) make HIV test results inadmissible in civil and criminal proceedings; and
  • (4) make HIV testing part of the routine health screening conducted at inmate intake

Directs the Bureau of Prisons to report to Congress:

  • (1) within one year on Bureau policies and procedures to provide testing, treatment, and prevention education programs for hepatitis and other diseases transmitted through sexual activity and intravenous drug use; and
  • (2) annually on the incidence among inmates of diseases transmitted through sexual activity and intravenous drug use, including specific information on HIV/AIDS.Authorizes appropriations.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 11/27/2010

Introduced 11/27/2010

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Bill Sponsors


Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary.


Ms. Waters Moved To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H3459-3463)


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H.r. 1429.


On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill Agreed To By Voice Vote. (text: Cr H3459-3460)


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Referred To The House Committee On The Judiciary.
