SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018 Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Act of 2018

HB 767 SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018 Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Act of 2018

US Congress 115th Congress

SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018 Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Act of 2018

About HB-767
HB-767 sections

SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018 Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Act of 2018

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Section 3

This bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to establish a program, to be known as the Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Training Program or the SOAR to Health and Wellness Training Program, to train health care providers and other related providers to: identify potential human trafficking victims, work with law enforcement to report and facilitate communication with such victims, refer victims to social or victims service agencies or organizations, provide such victims with coordinated care tailored to their circumstances, and consider integrating this training with existing training programs. The program must include the functions of the training program with the same name that was operating before this bill's enactment and the following initiatives: engaging stakeholders to develop a flexible training module, providing technical assistance to health education programs and health care professional organizations, facilitating the dissemination of best practices, and developing a methodology for collecting and reporting data on the number of human trafficking victims served in health care settings or other related provider settings.

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Section 4

HHS must report the number of grantees operating under the program, the number of providers trained through the program, and numbers for the program operating before this program.

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Section 5

The bill authorizes appropriations for the program through FY2022.


Bill Texts

Enrolled 12/21/2018

Amended 12/20/2018

Introduced 09/26/2017

Engrossed 02/28/2018

Introduced 02/08/2017

Weigh In

Votes for: 0 Votes against: 1

Sponsors (12)

Sponsors by party


Bill Sponsors


Signed By President.


Presented To President.


S.amdt.4173 Amendment Sa 4173 Proposed By Senator Boozman For Senator Alexander. In The Nature Of A Substitute.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.4173 Amendment Sa 4173 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Passed Senate With An Amendment By Voice Vote.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S7949-7950)


S.amdt.4173 Amendment Sa 4173 Proposed By Senator Boozman For Senator Alexander. (consideration: Cr S7949-7950) In The Nature Of A Substitute.


S.amdt.4173 Amendment Sa 4173 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent. (text: Cr7949)


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


Mr. Guthrie Moved That The House Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Senate Amendment.


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On The Motion To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 767.


At The Conclusion Of Debate, The Yeas And Nays Were Demanded And Ordered. Pursuant To The Provisions Of Clause 8, Rule Xx, The Chair Announced That Further Proceedings On The Motion Would Be Postponed.


On Motion That The House Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: (2/3 Required): 386 - 6 (roll No. 462).


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


S.amdt.4173 Amendment Sa 4173 Proposed By Senator Boozman For Senator Alexander. (consideration: Cr S7945-7959; Text: Cr S7949-7590) In The Nature Of A Substitute.


Mr. Guthrie Moved That The House Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Senate Amendment. (consideration: Cr H10424-10425)


On Motion That The House Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: (2/3 Required): 386 - 6 (roll No. 462). (consideration: Cr H10439-10440; Text: Cr H10424)


Senate Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions Discharged By Unanimous Consent.


Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions.


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended Agreed To By Voice Vote. (text: Cr H1234-1235)


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H.r. 767.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H1234-1236)


Mr. Burgess Moved To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended.


Placed On The Union Calendar, Calendar No. 237.


Reported (amended) By The Committee On Energy And Commerce. H. Rept. 115-327.


Ordered To Be Reported (amended) By Voice Vote.


Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held.


Forwarded By Subcommittee To Full Committee (amended) By Voice Vote .


Subcommittee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held.


Referred To The Subcommittee On Health.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Energy And Commerce.


Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr E107)
