Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2013

HB 1274 Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2013

US Congress 113th Congress

Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2013

About HB-1274

Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2013 - Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to recognize state-licensed or -registered certified diabetes educators or state-licensed or -registered health care professionals who specialize in teaching individuals with diabetes to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to manage the individual's diabetic condition and are certified as a diabetes educator by a recognized certifying body. Directs the Comptroller General (GAO) to study the barriers that exist for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes in accessing diabetes self-management training services under the Medicare program. Requires the Director of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop a series of recommendations on effective outreach methods to educate primary care physicians and other health care providers as well as the public about the benefits of diabetes self-management training.


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Introduced 03/26/2013

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