A resolution condemning the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, 25-year-long delay in the resolution of this case and encouraging accountability for the attack.

HR 441 A resolution condemning the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, 25 year long delay in the resolution of this case and encouraging accountability for the attack

US Congress 116th Congress

A resolution condemning the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, 25-year-long delay in the resolution of this case and encouraging accountability for the attack.

About HR-441

This resolution condemns the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and expresses sympathy for the victims' relatives. It also expresses concern for the continuing 25-year-long delay in the proper resolution of the case and supports accountability for the attack, including the Iranian and Hezbollah operatives involved.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 07/16/2019

Introduced 06/14/2019

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Mr. Engel Moved To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H5787-5789)


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H. Res. 441.


On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution Agreed To By Voice Vote. (text: Cr H5787)


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held.


Ordered To Be Reported By Voice Vote.


Committee Agreed To Seek Consideration Under Suspension Of The Rules.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Foreign Affairs.
