Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2009

HB 23 Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2009

US Congress 111th Congress

Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2009

About HB-23

Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2009 - Establishes in the Treasury the Merchant Mariner Equity Compensation Fund for payments by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs of a monthly benefit of $1,000 to each individual who, between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, was a documented member of the U.S. merchant marine (including the Army Transport Service and the Naval Transport Service) serving as a crewmember of a vessel that was operated in U.S. waters by the War Shipping Administration or the Office of Defense Transportation, serving the Armed Forces, and under contract to, or the property of, the United States. Requires such individuals to:

  • (1) apply for such benefit within one year after the enactment of this Act; and
  • (2) not have received benefits under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

Authorizes appropriations. Requires the Secretary to include, in annual budget documents submitted to Congress, detailed information on the Fund's operation.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 11/27/2010

Introduced 11/26/2010

Introduced 11/27/2010

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Bill Sponsors


Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Veterans' Affairs.


Mr. Filner Moved To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H5422-5428)


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H.r. 23.


On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended Agreed To By Voice Vote. (text: Cr H5422-5423)


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Reported (amended) By The Committee On Veterans' Affairs. H. Rept. 111-99.


Placed On The Union Calendar, Calendar No. 45.


Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held.


Ordered To Be Reported (amended) By Voice Vote.


Subcommittee On Disability Assistance And Memorial Affairs Discharged.


Referred To The Subcommittee On Disability Assistance And Memorial Affairs.


Referred To The House Committee On Veterans' Affairs.
