National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act

HB 1865 National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act

US Congress 116th Congress

National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act

About HB-1865

Provides FY2020 appropriations for several federal departments and agencies. It includes 8 of the 12 regular FY2020 appropriations bills: the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020; the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020; the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020; the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020; the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2020; the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020; the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2020; and the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020. In addition to providing appropriations, the bill includes legislation that extends several expiring programs and addresses a wide range of policy issues throughout the federal government.


Bill Texts

Enrolled 12/20/2019

Amended 12/19/2019

Amended 11/13/2019

Engrossed 10/29/2019

Introduced 04/08/2019

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Sponsors (305)


Motion to waive all applicable budgetary discipline with respect to the measure (the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 1865) RC# 414


Yeas: 64 | Nays: 30
Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 1865 RC# 415


Yeas: 71 | Nays: 23
Cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.1865 RC# 413


Yeas: 71 | Nays: 21
Support by Party


On motion that the House agree with an amendment to the RC# 689


Yeas: 297 | Nays: 120
Support by Party


Sponsors by party


Bill Sponsors


Became Public Law No: 116-94. (txt | Pdf)


Became Public Law No: 116-94.


Signed By President.


Presented To President.


S.amdt.1258 Proposed Amendment Sa 1258 Withdrawn In Senate.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 With An Amendment (sa 1258) Withdrawn In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Point Of Order That The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 Violates Section 3101(b) Of S.con.res. 11, 114th Congress, Raised In Senate.


S.amdt.1262 Sa 1262 Fell When Sa 1261 Fell.


S.amdt.1261 Sa 1261 Fell When Sa 1260 Fell.


S.amdt.1260 Sa 1260 (the Instructions Of The Motion To Refer) Fell When Cloture Invoked On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1865 With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With The Following Amendment (sa 1260) Fell When Cloture Invoked On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 In Senate.


Cloture On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r.1865 Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 71 - 21. Record Vote Number: 413.


Considered By Senate.


S.amdt.1262 Considered By Senate.


S.amdt.1261 Considered By Senate.


S.amdt.1260 Considered By Senate.


S.amdt.1259 Considered By Senate.


S.amdt.1258 Considered By Senate.


S.amdt.1259 Sa 1259 Fell When Sa 1258 Withdrawn.


Motion To Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline With Respect To The Measure (the Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865) Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 64 - 30. Record Vote Number: 414.


Senate Agreed To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 By Yea-nay Vote. 71 - 23. Record Vote Number: 415.


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


S.amdt.1258 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S7167, S7186)


S.amdt.1259 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S7167, S7186)


S.amdt.1260 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S7167, S7186)


S.amdt.1261 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S7167, S7186)


S.amdt.1262 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S7167, S7186)


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S7167, S7171-7178, S7181-7186)


Cloture On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r.1865 Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 71 - 21. Record Vote Number: 413. (cr S7175)


Motion To Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline With Respect To The Measure (the Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865) Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 64 - 30. Record Vote Number: 414. (cr S7186)


S.amdt.1258 Amendment Sa 1258 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell. (consideration: Cr S7087; Text: Cr S7087) To Change The Enactment Date.


S.amdt.1259 Amendment Sa 1259 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1258. (consideration: Cr S7087-7088; Text: Cr S7087-7088) Of A Perfecting Nature.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1865 With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With The Following Amendment (sa 1260) Made In Senate. (cr S7088)


S.amdt.1260 Amendment Sa 1260 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell. (consideration: Cr S7088; Text: Cr S7088) To Change The Enactment Date.


S.amdt.1261 Amendment Sa 1261 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1260 (the Instructions Of The Motion To Refer). (consideration: Cr S7088; Text: Cr S7088) Of A Perfecting Nature.


S.amdt.1262 Amendment Sa 1262 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1261. (consideration: Cr S7088; Text: Cr S7088) Of A Perfecting Nature.


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Con. Res. 82, Enrollment Corrections On H.r. 1865 Have Been Made.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 With An Amendment (sa 1258) Made In Senate. (cr S7087)


Cloture Motion On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 Presented In Senate. (cr S7087)


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 765, Mrs. Lowey Moved To Agree In The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 With An Amendment Consisting Of The Text Of Rules Committee Print 116-44.


Mrs. Lowey Moved That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment.


Debate - The House Proceeded With One Hour Of Debate On The Motion That The House Agree To The Senate Amendment, With An Amendment To The Bill H.r. 1865.


The Previous Question Was Ordered Pursuant To The Rule.


Postponed Proceedings - At The Conclusion Of Debate On The Motion To Agree To The Senate Amendment With An Amendment, The Chair Put The Question On The Motion And By Voice Vote, Announced That The Ayes Had Prevailed. Mrs. Granger Demanded The Yeas And Nays And The Chair Postponed Further Proceedings On The Motion Until A Time To Be Announced.


On Motion That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: 297 - 120 (roll No. 689).


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Message On House Action Received In Senate And At Desk: House Amendment To Senate Amendment.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 Made In Senate.


Cloture Motion On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 Presented In Senate.


S.amdt.1258 Amendment Sa 1258 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell. To Change The Enactment Date.


S.amdt.1259 Amendment Sa 1259 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1258. Of A Perfecting Nature.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1865 With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With The Following Amendment (sa 1260) Made In Senate.


S.amdt.1260 Amendment Sa 1260 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell. To Change The Enactment Date.


S.amdt.1261 Amendment Sa 1261 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1260 (the Instructions Of The Motion To Refer). Of A Perfecting Nature.


S.amdt.1262 Amendment Sa 1262 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1261. Of A Perfecting Nature.


Mrs. Lowey Moved That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment. (consideration: Cr H10386-10600, H10600-10601)


On Motion That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: 297 - 120 (roll No. 689). (text: Cr H10387-10587)


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S7087-7088)


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 Made In Senate. (cr S7087)


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1865 With An Amendment (sa 1258) Made In Senate.


Order Of Business - Mr. Mcgovern Asked Unanimous Consent That It Be In Order At Any Time To Take From The Speaker's Table The Bill H.r. 1865, With The Senate Amendment Thereto, And To Consider In The House, Without Intervention Of Any Point Of Order, A Motion Offered By The Chair Of The Committee On Appropriations Or Her Designee That The House Concur In The Senate Amendment Submitted For Printing By Representative Lowey Of New York In The Portion Of The Congressional Record Designated For That Purpose In Clause 8 Of Rule Xviii; That The Senate Amendment And The Motion Be Considered As Read; That The Motion Be Debatable For One Hour Equally Divided And Controlled By The Chair And Ranking Minority Member Of The Committee On Appropriations; That The Previous Question Be Considered As Ordered On The Motion To Adoption Without Intervening Motion Or Demand For Division Of The Question; And That House Resolution 708 Be Laid On The Table. Objection Was Heard.


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


Passed Senate With An Amendment By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.1244 Amendment Sa 1244 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.1244 Amendment Sa 1244 Proposed By Senator Inhofe For Senator Blunt. (consideration: Cr S6512; Text: Cr S6512) To Add A Provision Relating To Financial Assurances.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S6512)


Received In The Senate, Read Twice.


Received In The Senate.


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended Agreed To By Voice Vote. (text: Cr H8505)


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H.r. 1865.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H8505-8507)


Mr. Scott, David Moved To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Financial Services.



Finance And Financial Sector Currency Law Enforcement Officers Museums, Exhibitions, Cultural Centers Economics And Public Finance Access Board Administrative Law And Regulatory Procedures Adoption And Foster Care Appropriations Architect Of The Capitol Aviation And Airports Bank Accounts, Deposits, Capital Budget Deficits And National Debt Charitable Contributions Coal Colorado Commemorative Events And Holidays Computer Security And Identity Theft Computers And Information Technology Congressional Budget Office (cbo) Congressional Research Service (crs) Congressional Agencies Congressional Committees Congressional Leadership Congressional Officers And Employees Congressional Operations And Organization Defense Spending Department Of Agriculture Department Of Defense Department Of Education Department Of Energy Department Of Health And Human Services Department Of Housing And Urban Development Department Of Labor Department Of State Department Of Transportation Department Of Veterans Affairs Department Of The Interior Disaster Relief And Insurance District Of Columbia Emergency Medical Services And Trauma Care Employee Benefits And Pensions Endangered And Threatened Species Environmental Protection Agency (epa) Environmental Assessment, Monitoring, Research Executive Agency Funding And Structure Export-import Bank Of The United States Federal Maritime Commission Financial Services And Investments Fires First Responders And Emergency Personnel Floods And Storm Protection Foreign Aid And International Relief Government Accountability Office (gao) Government Publishing Office (gpo) Government Buildings, Facilities, And Property Government Information And Archives Government Lending And Loan Guarantees Government Studies And Investigations Government Trust Funds Hazardous Wastes And Toxic Substances Health Personnel Higher Education Housing And Community Development Funding Housing Discrimination Housing Finance And Home Ownership Housing For The Elderly And Disabled Humanities Programs Funding Income Tax Credits Income Tax Deductions Income Tax Deferral Income Tax Exclusion Indian Social And Development Programs Interagency Council On Homelessness Interest, Dividends, Interest Rates Joint Committee On Taxation Lakes And Rivers Land Transfers Library Of Congress Low- And Moderate-income Housing Marine And Inland Water Transportation Maryland Members Of Congress Military Facilities And Property Military Operations And Strategy Mining Motor Carriers National Aeronautics And Space Administration National Railroad Passenger Corporation (amtrak) National Transportation Safety Board (ntsb) Navigation, Waterways, Harbors Nebraska Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation News Media And Reporting Performing Arts Pipelines Policy Sciences Presidents And Presidential Powers, Vice Presidents Public Housing Public Transit Railroads Residential Rehabilitation And Home Repair Roads And Highways Saint Lawrence Seaway Senate Small Business Social Work, Volunteer Service, Charitable Organizations State And Local Government Operations Student Aid And College Costs Surface Transportation Board Tax Administration And Collection, Taxpayers Tax Treatment Of Families Temporary And Part-time Employment Transportation Programs Funding Transportation Safety And Security U.s. Capitol Virginia Wages And Earnings Water Quality Water Resources Funding Water Use And Supply Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Protection Wyoming Abortion Afghanistan Africa African Development Foundation Agricultural Research Arab-israeli Relations Arms Control And Nonproliferation Asia Bangladesh Belize Burma Cambodia Cameroon Caribbean Area Cell Biology And Embryology Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (cdc) Chad Child Health China Colombia Competitiveness, Trade Promotion, Trade Deficits Conflicts And Wars Congressional Oversight Costa Rica Cuba Cultural Exchanges And Relations Dams And Canals Democratic Republic Of The Congo Department Of The Treasury Diplomacy, Foreign Officials, Americans Abroad Drug Trafficking And Controlled Substances Egypt El Salvador Electric Power Generation And Transmission Elementary And Secondary Education Energy Research Europe Family Planning And Birth Control Foreign Loans And Debt Forests, Forestry, Trees Fraud Offenses And Financial Crimes Gaza Strip Government Ethics And Transparency, Public Corruption Guatemala Hiv/aids Haiti Historic Sites And Heritage Areas Honduras Hong Kong Human Rights Human Trafficking Infectious And Parasitic Diseases Inter-american Foundation International Exchange And Broadcasting International Law And Treaties International Organizations And Cooperation Internet And Video Services Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Land Use And Conservation Laos Latin America Lebanon Libya Medical Research Middle East Military Assistance, Sales, And Agreements Military Education And Training Minority Health Morocco Multilateral Development Programs National Institutes Of Health (nih) Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea Nuclear Regulatory Commission (nrc) Nuclear Power Oil And Gas Pakistan Panama Peace Corps Philippines Political Movements And Philosophies Pollution Liability Poverty And Welfare Assistance Property Tax Refugees, Asylum, Displaced Persons Religion Research Administration And Funding Research And Development Rule Of Law And Government Transparency Russia Saudi Arabia Sex And Reproductive Health Social Security Administration Social Security And Elderly Assistance South Sudan Sovereignty, Recognition, National Governance And Status Sri Lanka Strategic Materials And Reserves Sudan Syria Terrorism Thailand Tibet Trade And Development Agency Tunisia U.s. Agency For Global Media U.s. Agency For International Development (usaid) U.s. And Foreign Investments Ukraine Venezuela Veterans' Medical Care Vietnam Visas And Passports West Bank Women's Health Women's Rights World Health Yemen Zimbabwe