Living Donor Protection Act of 2016

S 2584 Living Donor Protection Act of 2016

US Congress 114th Congress

Living Donor Protection Act of 2016

About S.2584

Living Donor Protection Act of 2016 This bill prohibits discrimination based on an individual's status as a living organ donor in the offering, issuance, cancellation, coverage, price, or any other condition of a life insurance policy, disability insurance policy, or long-term care insurance policy. The bill amends the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to specifically include living organ donation as a serious health condition that entitles a covered employee to leave under that Act. The Department of Health and Human Services must update public service announcements, websites, and other media regarding live organ donation to educate the public on the benefits of live organ donation and access to insurance for living organ donors.


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Introduced 03/01/2016

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