Public Housing Tenant Protection and Reinvestment Act of 2017 Public Housing One-for-One Replacement and Tenant Protection Act of 2017 This bill amends the United States Housing Act of 1937 regarding:
The bill exempts from specified requirements for demolition and disposition of public housing, public housing projects removed from a public housing agency (PHA) inventory under the program for conversion of demolished or distressed public housing dwelling units to tenant-based assistance. Real property containing dwelling units in public housing is excluded from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal regulations or any substantially similar regulations with respect to: certain real estate; and implementing HUD requirements for demolition or disposition of public housing projects, and conversion of public housing to tenant-based assistance. Public Housing Preservation and Rehabilitation Act of 2017 The public housing Capital and Operating Funds are reauthorized. HUD may guarantee notes or other obligations issued by PHAs to finance:
Requirements are specified for PHAs that utilize housing tax credits under the Internal Revenue Code for rental housing units. The bill eliminates a specified limitation on the use of amounts from the Capital Fund or Operation Fund by a PHA to construct new public housing units. Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Act of 2017 HUD must make competitive grants to local governments, PHAs, or nonprofit entities owning a major housing project to implement transformational programs in eligible neighborhoods with a concentration of extreme poverty and severely distressed housing. Together We Care Act of 2017 HUD shall establish a competitive grant pilot program for eligible entities to train public housing residents as home health aides and as providers of home-based health services for residents of public housing or federally-assisted rental housing who are elderly, disabled, or both.