Business Regulation - Miscellaneous State Business Licenses - Alterations [SB-496]
Altering certain administrative and enforcement provisions for business licenses issued in the State; altering certain licensing provisions for certain businesses in the State, including construction, garages, peddlers, junk dealers and scrap metal processors, laundries and dry cleaners, storage warehouses, restaurants, chain stores, traders, and vending machines; etc.
SB-496: Business Regulation - Miscellaneous State Business Licenses - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 315 on 05/12/2022
Vehicle Laws - Towing Companies - Disposal of Abandoned Vehicles [SB-521]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue a salvage certificate to a towing company that takes possession of an abandoned vehicle under certain circumstances; requiring a towing company to provide certain notice in a certain manner to certain persons before applying for a salvage certificate for an abandoned vehicle; requiring a certain application for a salvage certificate to be accompanied by certain documentation and a certain fee; authorizing a towing company to apply for a salvage certificate on a certain form; etc.
Vehicle Laws - Towing Companies - Disposal of Abandoned Vehicles [HB-1770]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue a salvage certificate to a towing company that takes possession of an abandoned vehicle under certain circumstances; requiring a towing company to provide certain notice in a certain manner to certain persons before applying for a salvage certificate for an abandoned vehicle; requiring a certain application for a salvage certificate to be accompanied by certain documentation and a certain fee; authorizing a towing company to apply for a salvage certificate on a certain form; etc.
Business Regulation - Junkyards and Scrap Metal Processing Facilities [SB-1026]
Altering the definitions of "junkyard" and "scrap metal processing facility" as those definitions apply to the regulation of those facilities near certain highways in the State; authorizing only scrap metal processing facilities and junkyards, as defined in the Act, to purchase scrap metal by weight across an on-site scale; providing that certain provisions of law governing scrap metal processing facilities and junkyards preempt and supersede any conflicting local law; increasing certain penalties; etc.
SB-1026: Business Regulation - Junkyards and Scrap Metal Processing Facilities
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/18/2019
Scrap Metal Processor - Purchase of Scrap Metal - Hours of Operation [SB-1124]
Providing that a scrap metal processor may purchase scrap metal only between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday; providing that a scrap metal processor that pays for scrap metal by check may purchase scrap metal 24 hours a day on any day of the week.
SB-1124: Scrap Metal Processor - Purchase of Scrap Metal - Hours of Operation
Sponsored by: Sen. James DeGrange
Hearing 3/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2016
Maryland Salvage Advertising Act [SB-917]
Prohibiting a person from advertising for specified junk and scrap metal services unless the person holds a specified license; requiring specified junk dealers and scrap metal processors to provide the license number of the licensee in an advertisement for specified junk and scrap metal processing services; establishing civil penalties of $500 for a first violation and $1,000 for each subsequent violation under the Act; altering and making civil the penalty for failing to provide a specified license number in a specified advertisement; etc.
SB-917: Maryland Salvage Advertising Act
Sponsored by: Sen. James DeGrange
Hearing 4/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/08/2015
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Wheeled Devices and Metal Piping [HB-557]
Prohibiting a junk dealer or scrap metal processor from purchasing from an individual a shopping cart, flatbed cart, similar wheeled device, or specified metal piping under specified circumstances; providing for specified penalties; and authorizing the suspension or revocation of the license of a junk dealer or scrap metal processor under specified circumstances.
HB-557: Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Wheeled Devices and Metal Piping
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2015
Maryland Salvage Advertising Act [HB-1269]
Prohibiting a person from advertising for specified junk and scrap metal services unless the person holds a specified license; requiring specified junk dealers and scrap metal processors to provide the license number of the licensee in an advertisement for specified junk and scrap metal processing services; establishing civil penalties of $500 for a first violation and $1,000 for each subsequent violation under the Act; altering and making civil the penalty for failing to provide a specified license number in a specified advertisement; etc.
HB-1269: Maryland Salvage Advertising Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/09/2015
Business Regulation - Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Copper Wire [SB-1110]
Prohibiting a junk dealer or scrap metal processor from purchasing copper wire from which the insulation has been burned or stripped; applying the Act to all junk and scrap metal processors doing business in the State, including nonresident junk dealers and nonresident scrap metal processors; and making the Act an emergency measure.
SB-1110: Business Regulation - Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Copper Wire
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Colburn
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/14/2014
Local Government Article [HB-472]
Adding a new article to the Annotated Code of Maryland, to be designated and known as the "Local Government Article", to revise, restate, and recodify the laws of the State relating to local governments; etc.
HB-472: Local Government Article
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 119 on 04/09/2013
Business Regulation - Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Holding Period for Junk and Scrap Metal [HB-279]
Requiring a junk dealer or scrap metal processor who is a resident of the State to hold in a specified county a purchase of junk or scrap metal for 3 business days after the purchase; and requiring a junk dealer or scrap metal processor to hold a purchase of junk or scrap metal and a record of the purchase at a specified business address.
HB-279: Business Regulation - Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Holding Period for Junk and Scrap Metal
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 2/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2013
Vehicle Laws - Towing Companies - Disposal of Abandoned Vehicles [HB-1488]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue a salvage certificate to a towing company that takes possession of an abandoned vehicle under specified circumstances; requiring a towing company to provide specified notice to specified persons before applying for a salvage certificate for an abandoned vehicle; altering the scope of specified provisions of law requiring a police department to provide specified notices under specified circumstances if an abandoned vehicle is taken into custody; etc.
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Shopping Carts and Metal Piping [HB-1144]
Prohibiting a junk dealer or scrap metal processor from purchasing from an individual a shopping cart, flatbed cart, or similar wheeled device under specified circumstances, or copper or other metal piping unlawfully taken from a house; providing for penalties; requiring that a person be barred permanently from selling material to a junk dealer or scrap metal processor under specified circumstances; and providing for a defense against a specified action.
HB-1144: Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Shopping Carts and Metal Piping
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/19/2013
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records and Hold Period [SB-952]
Requiring specified junk dealers and scrap metal processors to submit specified photographs of specified individuals to specified law enforcement units under specified circumstances; and requiring specified junk dealers and scrap metal processors to hold specified items of junk and scrap metal for a specified period of time.
SB-952: Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records and Hold Period
Sponsored by: Sen. Roy Dyson
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/26/2012
Vehicle Laws - Salvage - Defective, Lost, or Destroyed Certificates of Title [SB-487]
Authorizing an application for a salvage certificate submitted by an insurance company to be accompanied by a specified affidavit of ownership and evidence of final payment instead of a certificate of title if the certificate of title is defective, lost, or destroyed.
SB-487: Vehicle Laws - Salvage - Defective, Lost, or Destroyed Certificates of Title
Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Reilly
Approved By The Governor on 04/10/2012
Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area - Prohibition - Junk and [SB-483]
Requiring specified local critical area programs to, with specified exceptions, prohibit the location of junkyards, scrap storage yards, other scrap metal facilities, and specified machinery in the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area; requiring local critical area programs to require that machinery used for converting scrap metal into processed metal be removed from the Critical Area on or before January 1, 2013; etc.
SB-483: Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area - Prohibition - Junk and
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Delegates Frush, Niemann, And Norman on 04/04/2012
Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures [SB-401]
Clarifying the application of and altering security requirements for tow trucks; altering penalties for specified violations related to tow truck vehicle registration; repealing a provision exempting abandoned vehicles from the application of provisions relating to the towing and removal of vehicles from parking lots; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to establish and maintain a database containing addresses for specified insurers and make the database available to any tower free of charge; etc.
SB-401: Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures
Sponsored by: Sen. Victor Ramirez
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012