Business Regulation - Junkyards and Scrap Metal Processing Facilities

SB 1026 Business Regulation Junkyards and Scrap Metal Processing Facilities

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Business Regulation - Junkyards and Scrap Metal Processing Facilities

About SB-1026

Altering the definitions of "junkyard" and "scrap metal processing facility" as those definitions apply to the regulation of those facilities near certain highways in the State; authorizing only scrap metal processing facilities and junkyards, as defined in the Act, to purchase scrap metal by weight across an on-site scale; providing that certain provisions of law governing scrap metal processing facilities and junkyards preempt and supersede any conflicting local law; increasing certain penalties; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/01/2019

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Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn


Hearing Canceled


Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m.


Rereferred To Finance


First Reading Senate Rules
