Behavioral Health Administration - Children With Mental Disorders - List of Available Services [HB-374]
Requiring the Behavioral Health Administration to maintain an updated list of the specific service categories in psychiatric rehabilitation, therapeutic, care coordination, and home health aide services available to a child in the State who has a mental disorder; requiring that the list include services available to any child in the State who has a mental disorder and who is enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or has health insurance coverage; etc.
HB-374: Behavioral Health Administration - Children With Mental Disorders - List of Available Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Erek Barron
Hearing Canceled on 02/03/2020
State Government - Protection of Information - Revisions (Maryland Data Privacy Act) [SB-274]
Requiring certain units of State government to comply with certain standards and guidelines to ensure that the security of all information systems and applications is managed through a certain framework; requiring certain units of State government to undertake activities comprising collection, processing, and sharing of personally identifiable information in good faith; etc.
SB-274: State Government - Protection of Information - Revisions (Maryland Data Privacy Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2020
State Government - Protection of Information - Revisions (Maryland Data Privacy Act) [HB-340]
Requiring certain units of State government to comply with certain standards and guidelines to ensure that the security of all information systems and applications is managed through a certain framework; requiring certain units of State government to undertake activities comprising collection, processing, and sharing of personally identifiable information in good faith; establishing that certain provisions of law do not apply to public institutions of higher education; etc.
HB-340: State Government - Protection of Information - Revisions (Maryland Data Privacy Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Referred Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 03/15/2020
Telehealth: Physician Assistants; Drugs [SB-44]
An Act relating to the prescription of drugs by a physician assistant without physical examination; relating to prescription drugs under the medical assistance program; and providing for an effective date.
SB-44: Telehealth: Physician Assistants; Drugs
Sponsored by: Rep. Geran Tarr
Effective Date(s) Of Law See Chapter on 10/23/2019
Internet For Schools; Funding [HB-75]
An Act relating to funding for Internet services for school districts; and relating to the Alaska higher education investment fund.
HB-75: Internet For Schools; Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Tuck
Cosponsor(s): Foster on 05/07/2019
Rental Vehicle By Private Owner [HB-102]
An Act relating to rental vehicles; relating to vehicle rental networks; relating to liability for vehicle rental taxes; and providing for an effective date.
HB-102: Rental Vehicle By Private Owner
Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Wool
L&c Rpt 4dp 3nr on 04/24/2019
Access To Marijuana Conviction Records [SB-8]
An Act restricting the release of certain records of convictions; amending Rule 37.6, Alaska Rules of Administration; and providing for an effective date.
SB-8: Access To Marijuana Conviction Records
Sponsored by: Sen. Tom Begich
Prefile Released 1/7/19 on 01/16/2019
Crimes;sex Crimes;sentencing; Parole [SB-35]
An Act eliminating marriage as a defense to certain crimes of sexual assault; relating to enticement of a minor; relating to harassment in the first degree; relating to harassment in the second degree; relating to indecent viewing or production of a picture; relating to the definition of 'sexual contact'; relating to assault in the second degree; relating to sentencing; relating to prior convictions; relating to the definition of 'most serious felony'; relating to the definition of 'sexual felony'; relating to the duty of a sex offender or child
Crimes;sex Crimes;sentencing; Parole [HB-52]
An Act eliminating marriage as a defense to certain crimes of sexual assault; relating to enticement of a minor; relating to harassment in the first degree; relating to harassment in the second degree; relating to indecent viewing or production of a picture; relating to the definition of 'sexual contact'; relating to assault in the second degree; relating to sentencing; relating to prior convictions; relating to the definition of 'most serious felony'; relating to the definition of 'sexual felony'; relating to the duty of a sex offender or child
HB-52: Crimes;sex Crimes;sentencing; Parole
Sponsored by: Rep.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/20/2019
Virtual Ed/teacher Exam./course Exam. [SB-79]
An Act relating to course credit for students; relating to annual reports regarding school district performance and school district employees; relating to school operating fund reserves; relating to competency examinations for teacher certificates; relating to the duties and powers of the Department of Education and Early Development; relating to the Professional Teaching Practices Commission; relating to a virtual education consortium; and providing for an effective date.
SB-79: Virtual Ed/teacher Exam./course Exam.
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/06/2019
Virtual Ed; Coll Cr For Hs; Misc Ed Admin [SB-114]
An Act relating to course credit for students; relating to annual reports regarding school district performance and school district employees; relating to cooperative arrangements between school districts; relating to school operating fund reserves; relating to competency examinations for teacher certificates; relating to the duties and powers of the Department of Education and Early Development; relating to the Professional Teaching Practices Commission; relating to a virtual education consortium; establishing a reading intervention program for
SB-114: Virtual Ed; Coll Cr For Hs; Misc Ed Admin
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/15/2019
Discrimination in Employment - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants With Disabilities [HB-312]
Prohibiting an employer from failing or refusing to make a reasonable accommodation for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant for employment; and expanding a certain undue hardship exception for employers regarding providing a certain reasonable accommodation to include certain qualified disabled applicants for employment.
HB-312: Discrimination in Employment - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants With Disabilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 02/25/2020