Relating To The Transfer Of Non-agricultural Park Lands. [SB-77]
Before the transfer of non-agricultural park lands, authorizes the Department of Agriculture to request information from the Department of Land and Natural Resources related to the establishment of necessary and reasonable easements upon the lands. Amends legislative findings regarding non-agricultural park lands. Requires the Department of Agriculture to accept the transfer of and manage certain qualifying non-agricultural park lands. Requires the Department of Agriculture, prior to offering a lease, to inquire with the Department of Land and Natural
Sponsored by: Sen. Henry Aquino
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Relating To State Lands. [SB-48]
Establishes penalties for failure to comply with certain submerged land reclamation regulations. Adds requirements for presently reclaimed land to be disposed of by the Board of Land and Natural Resources, without recourse to public auction, to an abutting owner, by sale, or by lease. Provides requirements for the Board of Land and Natural Resources to lease state submerged lands and lands beneath tidal waters.
SB-48: Relating To State Lands.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karl Rhoads
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Relating To Land. [HB-14]
Authorizes the board of land and natural resources to: (1) Amend and extend existing pasture leases for up to sixty-five years; (2) Issue new pasture leases by negotiation, if the lands are already under pastoral use; and (3) Develop agricultural and pasture lease rents based on the value of the land's agricultural uses. Specifies that agricultural multi-use lands under the management of the department of land and natural resources are not subject to transfer to and management by the department of agriculture. Before the transfer of non-agricultural
HB-14: Relating To Land.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Tarnas
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Land's End Wildlife Mgmt. Area; DWR to grant & convey an ingress-egress easement & right-of-way. [HB-879]
Conveyance of easement. Authorizes the Department of Wildlife Resources to grant and convey an easement and right-of-way at Land's End Wildlife Management Area to Joseph C. Frank III, Betty J. Frank, Jacob C. Ackerman, and Crystal F. Ackerman. The easement will allow ingress and egress from State Route 625 (Salem Church Road) to the grantees' properties. Conveyance of easement. Authorizes the Department of Wildlife Resources to grant and convey an easement and right-of-way at Land's End Wildlife Management Area to Joseph C. Frank III, Betty J.
HB-879: Land's End Wildlife Mgmt. Area; DWR to grant & convey an ingress-egress easement & right-of-way.
Sponsored by: Rep. Hillary Pugh Kent
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0073) on 03/14/2024
Maryland Historical Trust - Arbitration [SB-43]
Authorizing arbitration for disputes regarding certain applications for a certain permit, grant, tax credit, or authorization for a change or alteration of property subject to a certain historic easement.
SB-43: Maryland Historical Trust - Arbitration
Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/08/2024
Property Tax - Assessment Appeal Boards and Supervisors - Regional Organization [HB-248]
Establishing certain regions for supervisors of real property assessments offices; altering the geographic jurisdiction of property tax assessment appeal boards from county to regional; establishing the membership of the regional boards; and prohibiting an employee of the State Department of Assessments and Taxation from concurrently being a member of a regional board, serving as the Administrator of the regional boards, or being employed as staff for a regional board.
Natural Resources - Removal of Trees or Shrubs - Notice and Objection [HB-219]
Authorizing a utility or local government to remove a tree or shrub on certain private property under certain circumstances, including requiring the utility or local government to provide certain notice to the owner of the property on which the tree or shrub is located; establishing a process for a private property owner who receives certain notice to file an objection with the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with certain requirements; etc.
HB-219: Natural Resources - Removal of Trees or Shrubs - Notice and Objection
Sponsored by: Rep. Michele Guyton
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/12/2024
Oil & Gas Production Tax; Income Tax [SB-114]
An Act establishing an income tax on certain entities producing or transporting oil or gas in the state; relating to the oil and gas production tax; and providing for an effective date.
SB-114: Oil & Gas Production Tax; Income Tax
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/24/2023
Maryland Historical Trust - Warner Manor in the Town of Kensington - Extinguishment or Termination of Easement [SB-944]
Requiring the Maryland Historical Trust, on or before July 1, 2023, to extinguish or terminate a certain easement the Trust holds in the parcel of land known as Warner Manor (also known as Brainard Warner House and/or Circle Manor) in the Town of Kensington, Montgomery County; and requiring the Trust to complete certain necessary recordings and filings to complete the extinguishment or termination of the easement.
SB-944: Maryland Historical Trust - Warner Manor in the Town of Kensington - Extinguishment or Termination of Easement
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 505 on 05/08/2023
Condominiums - Common Elements - Clean Energy Equipment [SB-593]
Authorizing certain governing bodies of a condominium to grant an interest affecting the common elements of the condominium for the installation and use of leased clean energy equipment; and generally relating to the common elements of a condominium and leased clean energy equipment.
SB-593: Condominiums - Common Elements - Clean Energy Equipment
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2023
Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act) [SB-470]
Establishing certain goals and programs related to land conservation; establishing the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Program to provide loans to land trusts to purchase land for conservation purposes; authorizing the Maryland Environmental Trust to exercise certain remedies under certain circumstances; prohibiting a person from making any false statements affecting a Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Program loan; establishing the 40 x 40 Land Conservation Implementation Grant Program to support land conservation goals; etc.
SB-470: Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 546 on 05/08/2023
Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act) [HB-631]
Establishing certain goals and programs related to land conservation; establishing the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Program to provide loans to certain land trusts to purchase land for conservation purposes; establishing the Land Preservation Rapid Response Advisory Committee to review loan applications and make recommendations on which projects to fund; establishing the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund; establishing the 40 x 40 Land Conservation Implementation Grant Program to support land conservation goals; etc.
HB-631: Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Favorable With Amendments Report By Budget And Taxation on 04/10/2023
Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond [HB-557]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Carroll County to borrow not more than $65,600,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Carroll County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.
HB-557: Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/19/2023
Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond [SB-305]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Carroll County to borrow not more than $65,600,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Carroll County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.
SB-305: Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 81 on 04/11/2023
Income Tax – Capital Gains, Dividends, and Foreign–Derived Intangible Income – Alterations (Investing in Marylanders Act of 2023) [HB-337]
Providing for an additional State individual income tax rate on the net capital gains of individuals; providing addition modifications under the Maryland income tax for certain deductions for foreign income under the Internal Revenue Code; altering a certain addition modification for certain corporate interest expenses and intangible expenses; altering a certain subtraction modification for certain dividends from a foreign corporation to preclude inclusion of certain income treated as dividends under the Internal Revenue Code; etc.
HB-337: Income Tax – Capital Gains, Dividends, and Foreign–Derived Intangible Income – Alterations (Investing in Marylanders Act of 2023)
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
First Reading Ways And Means on 01/25/2023
You have voted HB-337: Income Tax – Capital Gains, Dividends, and Foreign–Derived Intangible Income – Alterations (Investing in Marylanders Act of 2023).
Relating To The Transfer Of Non-agricultural Park Lands. [HB-698]
Exempts easements granted over public lands affecting the transfer of public lands between DLNR and DOA from formal county subdivision process and approval requirements. Requires the DOA to accept the transfer of and manage certain qualifying non-agricultural park lands. Requires the DOA, prior to offering a lease, to inquire with the DLNR regarding any easements required for access to landlocked forest reserves or other assets on the lands subject to the lease. Requires the lessee to develop a conservation program and plan if conservation resources
HB-698: Relating To The Transfer Of Non-agricultural Park Lands.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Todd
Referred To Wal/agr, Jha, Fin, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/30/2023
Communications infrastructure in utility easement. [SB-466]
Communications infrastructure in utility easement. Provides that if an electricity supplier provides a property owner with notice of the electricity supplier's intent to: (1) install new communications infrastructure; or (2) allow: (A) an affiliated entity of the electricity supplier; or (B) a communications service provider; to install new communications infrastructure; within an electric easement on the property, the property owner shall allow the electricity supplier, affiliated entity, or communications service provider to access the electric
SB-466: Communications infrastructure in utility easement.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Alexander
Authored By Senator Alexander on 01/19/2023