Maryland Historical Trust - Warner Manor in the Town of Kensington - Extinguishment or Termination of Easement

SB 944 Maryland Historical Trust Warner Manor in the Town of Kensington Extinguishment or Termination of Easement

Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Maryland Historical Trust - Warner Manor in the Town of Kensington - Extinguishment or Termination of Easement

About SB-944

Requiring the Maryland Historical Trust, on or before July 1, 2023, to extinguish or terminate a certain easement the Trust holds in the parcel of land known as Warner Manor (also known as Brainard Warner House and/or Circle Manor) in the Town of Kensington, Montgomery County; and requiring the Trust to complete certain necessary recordings and filings to complete the extinguishment or termination of the easement.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 05/10/2023

Engrossed 03/28/2023

Introduced 02/21/2023

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