Mandatory minimum sentences; terms of confinement or imprisonment to be served consecutively.

SB 832 Mandatory minimum sentences; terms of confinement or imprisonment to be served consecutively

Virginia 2013 Regular Session

Mandatory minimum sentences; terms of confinement or imprisonment to be served consecutively.

About SB-832

Mandatory minimum sentences to be served consecutively; penalty. Provides that for certain crimes where a mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment must be imposed on the guilty party, such sentence shall be served consecutively with any other sentence imposed on such party. The crimes included in the bill are §§ 16.1-253.2 (violation of protective orders), 18.2-46.3:3 (street gang activity in gang-free zones), 18.2-60.4 (violation of protective orders), 18.2-61 (rape), 18.2-67.1 (forcible sodomy), 18.2-67.2 (object sexual penetration), 18.2-154 (shooting or throwing missiles at law-enforcement or emergency vehicles), 18.2-308.2:2 (purchasing firearm with intent to resell or provide to a person ineligible to purchase or receive a firearm), 18.2-374.1 (production of child pornography), and 18.2-374.1:1 (possession or distribution of child pornography).


Bill Texts

Chaptered 04/03/2013

Enrolled 04/03/2013

Conference Sub 03/21/2013

Enrolled 03/04/2013

Comm Sub 02/11/2013

Comm Sub 01/21/2013

Prefiled 12/28/2012

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