Corporations and Associations - Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Miscellaneous

SB 469 Corporations and Associations Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts Miscellaneous

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Corporations and Associations - Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Miscellaneous

About SB-469

Providing an October 1, 2020, effective date of certain articles of incorporation filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation for record; authorizing the articles to contain a delayed effective date, not later than 30 days after the Department accepts the articles for record; authorizing indemnification of a board of directors by a certain vote of certain directors or by a certain vote of a committee of the board; providing that certain stockholders' rights of inspection do not apply to certain corporations; etc.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 03/03/2020

Introduced 01/29/2020

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